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Games. Mac Applications. Hidden - Mac, iPhone and iPad Theft Protection Software. IOS iPad, iPhone & iPod. Apple Store: les raisons de la colère. La grogne sociale monte dans les magasins Apple.

Apple Store: les raisons de la colère

Depuis quelques jours, certains vendeurs portent au poignet un bracelet en plastique vert avec un simple mot : " Believe " (" Croire " en anglais) inscrit dessus, en référence aux promesses de la direction "qu'il convient de croire". Une manifestation discrète, difficile à répérer pour les clients. Mais symbole d'un ras-le-bol croissant chez les salariés des 13 boutiques françaises. David* travaille au flagship (le vaisseau amiral de la marque) de la place de l'Opéra à Paris depuis deux ans. Et, pour lui, porter ce bracelet a du sens. Des employés inquiets et divisés " Il s'agit de montrer à nos managers, à la hiérarchie, notre implication dans ce mouvement " raconte le jeune homme.

Pas d'avantage salarial mais un bon de réduction " Dans un magasin, les salaires peuvent aller du simple au double. La parole de la "secte" Apple Apple, première capitalisation boursière, n'est pourtant pas vraiment dans le besoin. Pression constante des managers. Fifteen tips and tricks for OS X Mountain Lion you need to know. Whether you have been using Apple's latest operating system for the Mac, OS X Mountain Lion, for a while now, or you are just installing it, you'll benefit from reading through some of the tips below.

Fifteen tips and tricks for OS X Mountain Lion you need to know

Some of them are ways to improve on the overall experience, while others will bring back past functionality. Let's get started, shall we? Preparing your Mac When upgrading the operating system, no matter your platform of choice, it's always a great idea to not go into it blindly. Be prepared, and more importantly, make sure you computer is prepared. Some of the prep is stuff you should be doing anyway, so make sure to give it a read if you are yet to upgrade. How to prepare your Mac for Mountain Lion Get started with Notification Center Mountain Lion has borrowed a lot of features from iOS, including Notification Center.

Getting started with Mountain Lion's Notification Center. How to Schedule Your Pins to Pinterest Board with Pingraphy. Are you active on Pinterest?

How to Schedule Your Pins to Pinterest Board with Pingraphy

If so, you might like what I’m going to share with you today. As I was listening to Melanie Duncan’s webinar, she suggested a tool that I had been looking for since months ago. I had recently slowed down my pinning activities due to concerns for unable to even out my pins (I used to be quite active) and reach the target audience at the suggested timings. I had tried to sign up Pinerly, hoping to utilize their scheduling option but so far this feature is still in pending mode. Until today I heard about ‘Pingraphy’, I knew it’s something worth checking out. PinGraphy – Pinterest Scheduling Tool for Brands Pingraphy is currently open for beta sign ups. 1. 2. In this case, I wish to pin an infographic from the site, so I ‘unselect all’ while keeping one of them ticked as shown below. 3. Optional: You can edit your pin via ‘Edit Photo’ prior to scheduling. 4. Time: select your date and time for the pin to publish: [Updated 01/09/12] Multiple timezones added. 5. 6.

Steve Jobs (1955 – 2011)