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Optimiser les pages web. Pourquoi ? Avoir des pages qui s'affichent rapidement n'a que des avantages. Si une page met trop longtemps à s'afficher, elle peut vous faire perdre des visiteurs. Et, une page plus rapide, c'est de la bande passante d'économisée, c'est toujours bon. Vous verrez qu'il ne suffit que de quelques manips pour rendre le chargement de vos pages plus rapides. The Web should be fast * - Google * Le Web devrait être rapide Cette citation de Google intervient au moment où ils annoncent que la vitesse des pages sera prise en compte dans les résultats des recherches : si vos pages sont trop lourdes, alors elles descendront dans le classement. Pour info, le poids moyen d’une page Web aujourd’hui est de un mégaoctet. Avant de commencer… Avant de commencer, sachez qu'il faut avoir un code HTML valide, sans erreurs.

Si il y'a des erreurs dans le code source, c'est le navigateur qui va tenter de les réparer, avec les effets secondaires que ça engendre, comme des déformations de page. Sommaire Sur le HTML. Start - CalDAV + CardDAV lightweight server: Baïkal. Osclass for classifieds | Free software downloads. Comment sécuriser votre site joomla. Le but de ce tutoriel est de vous montrer comment sécuriser votre site Joomla et de le protéger contre d'éventulles cyber attaques. Il ya plusieurs étapes que vous pouvez suivre pour protéger votre application Joomla. La sécurité de Joomla peut être améliorée de manière significative en suivant ces étapes simples.

Comment changer le nom de l'administrateur de votre site Joomla Par défaut, votre nom d'utilisateur administratif est admin . La majorité des agresseurs et hackeurs s'attendent a ce que le nom d'utilisateur de l'administrateur est admin. Le fait de le changer vous protégera contre de nombreuses attaques automatiques. Pour ce faire, vous devez suivre ces étapes: Étape 1. Étape 2. Étape 3. Comment changer le préfixe de table par défaut de la base de données Joomla Changer le préfixe de table par défaut arrêtera la majorité des attaques contre votre base de données joomla.

Étape 1. Étape 2. Étape 3. Var $ dbprefix = 'jos_; var $ dbprefix = 'smth_; Gardez votre site Joomla à jour. Status HTTP 428, 429, 431 et 511. C'est officiel, il y a de nouveaux status HTTP, cool non ? 428 Precondition Required Permet d'indiquer qu'une ressource a été modifié par un tiers depuis la dernière requête GET. Utile pour éviter de "perdre une modification". 429 Too Many Requests Trop de flood sur le serveur. 431 Request Header Fields Too Large Comme son nom l'insique, un champ envoyé dans l'en-tête est trop long. 511 Network Authentication Required.

Migration de PHP 5.2.x vers PHP 5.3.x. Ajax user authentication and registration techniques with jQuery. Form submission with Ajax is a powerful technique that provides a way to send web forms without reloading the browser window. The jQuery library lets you take Ajax form submission a step farther by providing a way to quickly and easily produce Ajax-enabled web forms with minimal code. In this article, learn how to create basic Ajax form submissions with jQuery before discovering how to use this technique to authenticate a user. The article then demonstrates user registration techniques with Ajax using jQuery, such as checking for user name availability and suggesting user names when a chosen user name is already taken.

Neither technique requires form submission or page reloads. If you're not familiar with jQuery, it's essentially a JavaScript library that makes JavaScript development easier. It minimizes the code you need to write, because it has many built-in features that you would otherwise need to write custom functions or objects for. Form submission with jQuery Listing 1. Download. Digital Asset Management, Phraseanet DAM (Logiciel Photothèque Open Source) Découvrez-nous les 26 et 27 Mars... Bonjour à tous, Alchemy était une nouvelle fois présent au Salon Documation, le salon français B2B de la gestion de l’information et des documents numériques. L’édition 2013 a rassemblé 160 exposants venus présenter leurs solutions et 6500 visiteurs experts de l’information et décideurs métiers. Documation, conjointement avec MIS, vous renseigne sur toutes les solutions vous permettant de gérer les contenus, documents et données en entreprise, en passant par toutes les étapes du cycle de vie de l’information : recherche, collecte, organisation, diffusion, évaluation, décision...

Merci à tous ceux qui sont venus nous y rendre visite. Quelques photos ici sur notre blog officiel !


PhotoShow. That's cool ! Thanks :D don't forget you can Like/+1 this page, or even donate if you really enjoy it. And share it with your friends! How can I contribute ? At the moment, I am not really looking for collaborators. However, if you want, you may fork PhotoShow on GitHub. I will look at any push request anyone sends me, but I can't guarantee that I will incroporate it in the project.

My photos won't upload / get deleted Check the rights of your Photos directory : your webserver needs the rights to write in it. "Big" photos can't be uploaded Most webserver are configured to allow a maximum of 2Mo per file uploaded. I have an AWESOME idea for PhotoShow ! Great ! I found a bug ... Just tell me here, and I'll try to fix it. Improve Ajax development with jQuery. It's no surprise that Ajax is a great way to enhance a web application. However, sometimes the code you need to write can take more time than traditional development techniques, especially when you're interacting with dynamic server-side data sets.

Luckily, with the introduction of jQuery, there's now a quicker and more robust way to write JavaScript and Ajax code. The suite of Ajax functions available through jQuery makes Ajax development much easier than in the past by letting you write less code and by lending additional methods and event handlers to cover most situations. The amount of code you need to write with jQuery is minimal, even when developing complex functions, so development is a lot faster. If you're not familiar with jQuery, it's essentially a JavaScript library that makes JavaScript development easier. Traditional JavaScript versus jQuery Ajax In the past, Ajax required a lot of redundant JavaScript code to form a request and handle the response. Listing 1. Listing 2. Bring data together with OpenLayers. Maps are an interesting way to present data, whether you're showing customers how to get to your business, displaying water-quality sampling sites, or geotagging vacation pictures. Using maps on websites is becoming increasingly common, and people frequently use free services like Google Maps, Microsoft Virtual Earth, and Yahoo!

Maps. The tools these major players offer are useful and can enable you to get a web page with a map out very quickly. However, they're not very customizable beyond basic functionality like adding markers or way points. Suppose you're a cartographer or geographic information system (GIS) professional, working on behalf of one, or an advanced hobbyist and want to bring in multiple datasets from a variety of sources. OpenLayers solves these problems. Note: If you are unfamiliar with GIS terms such as projection and shapefile, please see Resources for a link to the developerWorks article "Using geospatial data in applications on Linux using GDAL.

" Figure 1. Download. Build an easy JavaScript data access layer. Introducing easy JavaScript data access So you want to rapidly prototype a really cool Web 2.0 JavaScript application, but you don't want to spend all your time writing the wiring code to get to the database? Traditionally, to get data all the way from the database to the front end, you need to write a class for each table in the database with all the create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) methods.

Then you need to put some marshalling code atop that to provide an access layer to the front end. Then you put JavaScript libraries on top of that to access the back end. What a pain! This article presents an alternative method in which you use a single database class to wrap multiple database tables. Figure 1. In the sample application, a listing page that has the ability to add new entries is the base of the user interface.

This approach has its limitations. Back to top Building the database It all starts with the database. Listing 1. books.sql % mysqladmin create books Listing 2. Figure 2. The Semantic Web, Linked Data and Drupal, Part 2: Combine linked datasets with Drupal 7 and SPARQL Views. Introduction Part 1 of this series, "The Semantic Web, Linked Data and Drupal, Part 1: Expose your data using RDF," covered some of the new features incorporated in Drupal 7. The article outlined how to make your web data more interoperable and your data sharing more efficient. An example showed how to use Drupal 7 to publish Linked Data by exposing content with RDF.

In this article, learn how to take advantage of existing Linked Data on the web. Explore how to enrich Drupal 7 with data coming from different endpoints, and walk through a real-world use case with data from two independent publishers. Back to top Scenario: British research funding The scenario in this article is from a real-world use case with data from two independent publishers: DBpedia and the British government. The DBpedia project, presented in Part 1, takes the infobox information from Wikipedia and makes that content machine readable.

The British government is a more recent addition to the Linking Open Data movement. The Semantic Web, Linked Data and Drupal, Part 1: Expose your data using RDF. Introduction In 2001, in the now legendary article "The Semantic Web," Sir Tim Berners-Lee outlined a world where your handheld agent would exchange data with other agents and make decisions to help simplify your life. The Semantic Web effort has evolved quite a bit since then, and has taken a more pragmatic turn in recent years With the Linked Data initiative, research and development have focused on what Berners-Lee calls the most important piece of the puzzle: data interoperability. You can benefit from Linked Data technologies without creating a lot of custom code. In this article, explore how Drupal 7 provides far-reaching data interoperability capabilities.

Learn to expose your web data using Resource Description Framework (RDF). Prerequisites To follow along with the example in this article, install a Drupal 7 site. Back to top Data interoperability Much of the information on the web is not currently interoperable. Figure 1. RDF, vocabularies, and Linked Data principles Table 1. Classify content with XQuery. Content classification is any process that enriches data to organize it in a manner that makes the data easier to search, archive, manage, and integrate into other processes.

Generating such metadata, you can in turn derive more value from existing content. One of the big issues with classification is that people make mistakes and arrive at different classifications based on their own logic. When you define a classification system, take in account all stakeholders' opinions and try to have a consistent approach to categorizing data, even through the many challenges. For example, people in one department might not be aware of what metadata is important to people in another. In addition, training people to understand and consistently apply a classification can be time-consuming. As ever increasing volumes of data (which some call the digital landfill) are generated, it becomes nearly impossible to classify data manually. Automating classification provides many benefits: Back to top GATE.

Introduction to jQuery plug-ins. Introduction The free (MIT and GPL-licensed) jQuery JavaScript library can help you with several tasks, including: Traversing and manipulating the HTML and XML document object model (DOM)Working with eventsPerforming server communication using Ajax requests APIsAdding animation and image effects to web pages The jQuery JavaScript library is lightweight (around 25KB when minified or gzipped), complies with CSS3 modules, and works across browsers.

With plug-ins, you can extend the jQuery JavaScript library with useful functions while hiding complexity or repeatable tasks. A large, public repository of plug-ins provides options for virtually everything you might need within your JavaScript code. In this article, learn about the benefits of creating a jQuery plug-in and how to get started with a basic template.

Prerequisites To follow along with this article, you will need: Previous exposure to HTMLUnderstanding of JavaScript fundamentalsBasic knowledge of jQuery Back to top jQuery plug-in basics.


Create customizable web interfaces with the jQuery UI and Ajax. Today, websites are more customizable than ever, allowing users to alter their space and personalize it to their liking. Personalized home or dashboard pages, such as iGoogle, MyYahoo! , and MyAOL, have become increasingly common, and similar functionality is even being incorporated into most web applications. The jQuery library has made it simple to write complex JavaScript interactions such as these, and with the introduction of the jQuery UI, this functionality is even easier, as the library provides common user interaction types in easy-to-access jQuery plug-ins.

This article explains how to use Ajax and the jQuery UI to create highly customizable UIs with a variety of custom functionality. You learn how to customize various aspects of a web page as well as how to save preferences using Ajax. And, you'll use techniques such as drag and drop to order list items and organize page elements and UI widgets to switch themes and color schemes—all without leaving a single web page. <! <! OSQA | The Open Source Q&A System. Get started with CSS. Cascading style sheets are, quite simply, the design layered over the top of an (X)HTML web page. What makes the style sheet "cascading" is that you can apply it across the site—that is, you apply the style to the website, and it applies itself throughout each element of each page.

For websites, it is an important concept to separate data from design: The data is sent to the browser using (X)HTML, and the design is applied to that data using CSS. This separation allows people to render a web page without your design if they have special accessibility needs and also allows machines (such as search engines) to index a website without design "getting in the way. " This article details various pre-existing and modern CSS techniques to enhance a website's look and feel.

The format of CSS The structure of a CSS style element is simple: Where html-tag-name could be any of the tags you would find in HTML code (for example, <a>, <div>, <li>, or <label>). Outer-html-tag-name inner-html-tag-name { … } Back to basics with HTML. Weekend Project: Replace Delicious with an Open Source Bookmark Service. Database development mistakes made by application developers. How to make WordPress load faster, tips to optimize the server | ZippyKid. Your Own URL Shortener.

