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Mother of 3 Arrested for Taking Pictures of Tourist Attraction at Airport. Updates Here…. July 2012 – The other side of the story here…. This case is a frightening example of what can happen when a photographer encounters ignorant bullies with badges. According to the complaint filed in Federal Court, Nancy Genovese, a mother of three, was driving home on County Road 31 past Gabreski Airport in Suffolk County. Gabreski Airport displays a decorative helicopter shell by the roadway to the public, which is visible to all who pass by.

Nancy Genovese stopped her car on the side of the road across the street from the airport in an area that is open and accessible to the public, and crossed over the road to the airport entryway that is also open and accessible to the public to take a picture of the helicopter display. While still in her car, she took a picture of the decorative helicopter shell with the intention of posting it on her personal “Support Our Troops” web page. Lieutenant Iberger demanded that Nancy remain where she is, and he refused to allow her to leave. New Jersey mayor, son, arrested on charges they nuked recall website. The mayor of a small New Jersey hamlet has been arrested, along with his son, on federal charges that they shut down a website advocating the mayor's recall after breaking into the online accounts of political foes.

According to federal officials, Felix Roque, the 55-year-old mayor of West New York, New Jersey, and his son, Joseph Roque, 22, were arrested early Thursday morning by FBI agents. In February, the pair planned and executed the silencing of by gaining unauthorized access to the GoDaddy account used to control the domain name. An FBI special agent filed documents with these allegations in a New Jersey federal court.

The father-and-son team also obtained e-mails and messages sent among opponents after gaining unauthorized access to e-mail and Facebook accounts. According to the account of FBI Special Agent Ignace Ertilus, Felix and Joseph Roque took a keen interest in the recall site as early as February. The complaint was unsealed Thursday morning. American Idiots: Congress Dumbs Itself Down One Full Grade Level. Well, Obama's state of the union addresses usually come in at eight grade level. "Earlier this year, when the University of Minnesota’s Smart Politics noted that Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address clocked in at an eighth-grade level for the third year in a row, and that Obama’s average grade-level of 8.4 was well below the average of 10.7 for the previous 67 addresses, Fox News ran the story alongside the image of a child in a dunce cap, and right-wing blogs mocked the President’s intelligence.

" Does that mean he's an idiot? No, of course not. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech comes in around ninth grade. Stupid? Nope. Here we have Gawker pulling a Fox News. This study says nothing about the intelligence of the speakers. In that light, seeing this same interpretation from both Gawker and Fox News really makes a lot of sense, I guess. TV Network Execs Contemplate Going To Court To Say Skipping Commercials Is Illegal. Barry Obama Loved Marijuana, President Obama Now Locks People Up For It. Human Rights Record of United States in 2011|Document. A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama.