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10 Ways journalists can use LinkedIn. Social media kitbag. Tweets bewaren, bundelen en publiceren met Keepstream. Storify, de ideale social media tool om conversaties te bundelen tot een verhaal | 08Feb2011 Briljant, een tool waarmee je een online conversatie, verspreid over verschillende sociale netwerken weer kunt bundelen tot één verhaal. Storify is een tool die dit mogelijk maakt. Storify als online knipselkrant Storify maakt het mogelijk om de conversatie op diverse platformen bij elkaar te zoeken; tweets, Youtube filmpjes, blogposts, Flickr foto’s, searchresults en urls.

Storify voorbeeld Hieronder zie je een voorbeeld, embedded op mijn blog. Dashboard Het dashboard ziet er eenvoudig uit, links de bronnen, rechts de verhaallijn. Bewaren en delen van het verhaal Storify biedt je na het creëren verschillende mogelijkheden om je verhaal te delen. Aanmelden voor Storify De tool is gratis in gebruikt, echter nog in Beta. 'Mensen willen geen privacy' - Media & technologie. LinkedIn belangrijker dan Facebook in onderzoek onder 3.000 social media gebruikers | Internetmarketing.

Study: LinkedIn top social media site for journalists. When 92 percent of journalists have a LinkedIn account, there has to be a good reason. There is, and business leaders, representatives and PR pros should pay attention. A new survey from Arketi Group found that the percent of journalists on LinkedIn has increased from 85 percent in 2009. Why? LinkedIn provides an easy way for reporters to connect with sources. "It comes as no surprise more BtoB journalists are participating in social media sites, especially LinkedIn," Mike Neumeier, principal of Arketi Group, says, "LinkedIn provides an online outlet for them to connect with industry sources, find story leads and build their professional networks.

" While more journalists are on LinkedIn than any other social network, they have increased their presence on other networks, too. What do all of these numbers mean for you? LinkedIn for journalists: 5 reasons to shoot for 500+ connections. This post is part 2 in a series, Social Media for Journalists. There’s one thing I expect to see on every journalist’s LinkedIn page: Journalism is one of the few professions where hitting LinkedIn’s 500+ connection threshold should be part of the job description. That’s because, as with professionals in a handful of other fields (h.r., real estate sales), journalists live or die by the breadth of their network. This doesn’t mean that a journalist with fewer than 500 connections should stay off of LinkedIn: a journalist without a LinkedIn profile is an even more anachronistic creature. Rather, it means that you should focus on building your LinkedIn network so that you can use it in the following ways: Finding experts: If you have a decent-sized LinkedIn network, you can use it to quickly find and contact experts in just about any field.

Convinced? Sociale media en journalistiek. Here's How To REALLY Use LinkedIn.