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Euthanasie in de wereld

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Euthanasia in the world's eyes. In the last hundred years, spectacular advances in medical science have brought an otherwise esoteric question straight into our backyards.

Euthanasia in the world's eyes

People are living longer, at least in advanced countries. This opens the door to a host of metabolic diseases. But medical science ensures that they can live longer even if it is in conditions of great debility and pain. But should they live and suffer or should they be allowed, or even helped, to die and end the suffering? This knotty legal-moral conundrum has received stormy attention in the media and legislatures. Een nieuwe wet zal het lijden niet verzachten. Discussieer over een uitbreiding van de euthanasiewet zoveel je wil, zeggen GERT HUYSMANS, PAUL VANDEN BERGHE en MARC DESMET, belangrijker is dat wie beroepsmatig in aanraking komt met palliatieve zorg meer opleiding en middelen krijgt.

Een nieuwe wet zal het lijden niet verzachten

Het heeft veel van een een-tweetje: je zoekt een verhaal waar de zorg aan het levenseinde ernstig fout is gelopen en vervolgens mogen de usual suspects hun refrein herhalen dat ondertussen een mantra geworden is. Global Right-To-Die Battle Descends On Zurich. TAGES-ANZEIGER (Switzerland) ZURICH – Sparks are set to fly as groups on both sides of the right-to-die debate prepare to descend on Zurich – with just one street to divide them.

Global Right-To-Die Battle Descends On Zurich

The Swiss city is known throughout the world as being something of a mecca for the practice of assisted suicide and what's been dubbed, "assisted suicide tourism. " It’s also the location of a biennial conference being planned by the World Federation of Right-to-Die Societies (WFRTDS), Tages-Anzeiger reports.

The approximately 700 people expected to attend the event will have a chance to hear speeches from a who’s who of international right-to-die activists, including Great Britain’s Debbie Purdy and George Felos, the lawyer in the Terry Schiavo case in the U.S. state of Florida. Australian government unrelenting on euthanasia. During this time the Australian Capital Territory government released a statement claiming they did not necessarily support euthanasia, but people should have the right to do so if they wished. Pro-euthanasia group Exit International's founder and director Dr Philip Nitschke finds it daunting that Australia is worse off than when he assisted in the first legal case of voluntary euthanasia in 1996.

“The fact that politicians are so unwilling to engage with this issue really begs the question why not? Massachusetts Debates 'Death With Dignity' The memorial service for Michael Southerland recently drew more than 200 people to the Unitarian Society in Northampton, Mass.

Massachusetts Debates 'Death With Dignity'

Friends, neighbors and co-workers offered funny and moving stories. They sang; they cried. They hugged his wife and daughters. And they circulated petitions to put a “death with dignity” law on the Massachusetts ballot in November. The forms awaited signatures at the back of the hall, next to the guest book. Mr. “People suffering from A.L.S. provide a good talking point” for the campaign to pass the law, his widow, Debra Hertz, told me.

Mr. “If he could have taken control into his own hands, I believe he would have,” she said. If the Death With Dignity Act passes, it will be. November in Massachusetts would be plenty interesting this year even if the only electoral fireworks came from a high-profile Senate race and a presidential election pitting the candidate who carried the state four years ago against the candidate who was once its governor. The World Federation of Right to Die Societies. Adapted from VES --The Voluntary Euthanasia Society of England and WalesFrom the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of England and Wales Euthanasia and the World Holland and Oregon are not the only areas which currently permit assisted dying.

The World Federation of Right to Die Societies

Although not as well known, countries such as Switzerland and Colombia also have some form of help available. International Perspectives - Euthanasia - Assisted Suicide Laws Around the World - Assisted Suicide. Tread Carefully When You Help to Die Assisted Suicide Laws Around the World Updated 01 March 2005 Need literature?

Assisted Suicide Laws Around the World - Assisted Suicide

Click here. Voluntary Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Information by Exit International. Euthanasie. (Van Grieks: goede dood) Vrijwillige euthanasie houdt in dat medische handelingen mogen worden gedaan of onthouden om een menswaardig sterven mogelijk te maken.


Onvrijwillige euthanasie is het zonder toestemming van betrokkenen doden van gehandicapten, mismaakten, zieken, krankzinnigen enz. Dit werd in nazi-Duitsland tot overheidsbeleid werd gemaakt. Sommige religieuze stromingen zijn onvoorwaardelijk tegen euthanasie als een inbreuk op Gods beschikking. Ethics: Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. Euthanasia - 'Euthanasie kan schadelijk zijn voor het leven na de dood' - Religie. Euthanasia suicide mercy-killing right-to-die physician assisted suicide living wills research. Pro-euthanasia activists gear up for fresh assault on Parliament. The next six weeks are shaping up to be very busy on the euthanasia front as pro-euthanasia activists gear up for a new assault on the media, the courts, the medical profession and parliament.

Pro-euthanasia activists gear up for fresh assault on Parliament

On 19-22 June three Judges in the High Court will hear the joined cases of two men with conditions resembling locked-in syndrome who are seeking to change the law. Tony Nicklinson is arguing that the principal of necessity should allow a doctor to end his life without fear of prosecution for murder, and/or that the current laws interfere with his Article 8 right to his private life. ‘AM’ (‘Martin’) is also arguing under Article 8 and wants the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), the Solicitor’s Regulatory Authority and the General Medical Council to make clear in advance the extent to which solicitors and doctors could assist his suicide.

The Annual Representative Meeting of the British Medical Association takes place in Bournemouth on 24-28 June. Leading doctor in the UK opposes assisted suicide. Euthanasie. Euthanasie (Oudgrieks: ευ (eu) = "goede" en θάνατος (thanatos) = "dood"), goede dood, milde dood of genadedood, verwijst naar handelingen die sterven zonder veel lijden[1] van een andere persoon bevorderen.


Euthanasie in België. België is (na Nederland) het tweede land ter wereld waar euthanasie is gelegaliseerd.

Euthanasie in België

De Wet betreffende de euthanasie werd op 28 mei 2002 afgekondigd.[1] Voorwaarden[bewerken] Zorgvuldigheidseisen[bewerken] Er gelden zorgvuldigheidseisen waaraan een geval van euthanasie moet voldoen. Dossier Euthanasie: Politie of niet? Vertel eens… Verpleegkundigen en euthanasie - Expert Paul - Collega's - Nursing voor verpleegkundigen. Eerste filmfestival ter wereld over euthanasie. THE END, van 9 tot en 12 februari 2012 in Amsterdam, is het eerste Documentaire & Film Festival ter wereld dat zich richt op euthanasie en andere keuzes rondom het zelfgewilde levenseinde.

De (inter)nationale films en documentaires die worden vertoond, zijn zonder uitzondering belangwekkend, bewustmakend, grensverkennend en grensverleggend. Ze leveren alle een belangrijke bijdrage aan het debat over euthanasie en hulp bij zelfdoding. Zonder uitzondering brengen de films de kijker ertoe na te denken, te discussiëren en vragen te stellen bij het zelfgewilde levenseinde. Nederlandse Vereniging voor een Vrijwillig Levenseinde - Weblog Petra de Jong.