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Réseaux sociaux. Five tech industry predictions for 2012 | VentureBeat. The past year in technology was pretty wild. The really big Internet IPO returned and the massive venture capital funding bubble inflated, which seems difficult considering that the venture capital industry is far smaller than it was three years ago. But look at some of the crazy valuations on revenue-less photosharing start-ups like Color and Path. And there is clearly another bubble inflating in the cloud computing sector, with every company that uses a distributed architecture now calling itself a “cloud company.” So what does 2012 have in store? Here are my predictions. 1.

Social media will lose its sizzle. It’s already happening in fact, as growth of social media usage has begun to slow for upstarts such as FourSquare and stalwarts such as Facebook alike. Just as location-based applications became a “feature” rather than the “big thing,” social media will live on and become an integral part of what we do. 2. LinkedIn and Zynga will probably lose more than half their value. 3. 4. 5.

Ces technologies qui vont changer votre vie en 2012. Gartner : technologies émergentes 2012.

Nouvelles expériences interactives

12 most popular posts of the year on the future. It’s almost the end of the year, so I’ll try to do a few compilations of my most popular posts of the year. Today, on the general theme of the future, here are 12 (+1 for next year) that have attracted the most interest… 1. Zeitgeist 2011: anxiety, mobility, blending, indulgence, immersion, wrath, nudity and more The spirit of the times for 2011 2. Ross Dawson, a futurist and Chairman of Future Exploration Network, advises that it is not important to pick which industries will rise or fall. 3. Ross Dawson says becoming a futurist is pretty straightforward. 4. An article I wrote 19 years ago about the dangers of Japan’s nuclear program. Japan’s dream, the world’s nightmare – 5. Panel discussion at Queensland’s Gallery of Modern Art. 6. “The most important single aspect of thinking about the future is that the future transcends boundaries. 7. One of the most popular of the series of conversations on the future between Gerd Leonhard and myself. 8.

Comparing views on the role of a futurist 9. 10.