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Mixtape 48 → Tweet MIXTAPE #48 STUDIO PARADISE D’abord fondé autour de son duo d’auteurs-compositeurs, Studio Paradise s’est développé au fil des années, de Bastia à Marseille puis enfin à Paris où son […] Powerful Route Planning Awesome Curated Places & Trips. Clouds 365 Project - Year 3. A year of backpacking around the world – 17.


Way of Life on Blipfoto. NYC. Eternal Sunset. NORTH KOREA. NOTCOT.ORG. The City. ABOUT. Tokyo in slow motion…awesome and slooow - Facts are the most stubborn things under the sun.. NECTAR & PULSE - Your local soulmates. ADRESSES. 10 Unique Places Around the World. Travel The Earth is a miraculous place and with the advent of technology, places that were remote and hidden have been finding their way into the eyes of the world. Traveling isn’t always a possibility for everyone; the internet gives a picture view into the places we can’t physically visit, and opens up the wonders of our planet.

This list looks at some of the most unique areas around the world. The list includes natural areas and those created by humans. They are listed in the order I found and researched them, and are by no means diminished by their order on the list. Pamukkale means cotton castle, and has also been called the white castle because of the vast whiteness caused by the high concentration of calcite in the water. Nine Hells of Beppu Japan Beppu is home to over 2,800 hot springs and is found on the island of Kyushu. Sanqingshan has been considered a sacred place. The Plain of Jars is one of the oldest archeological mysteries in Southeast Asia.

Spotted Lake of Osoyoos Colombia.