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Psychological neotency. Psycho what?

Psychological neotency

Psychological neotency is a theory developed by Professor Bruce Charlton at the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (UK) that says that the increased level of immaturity among adults is an evolutionary response to increased change and uncertainty. This initially sounds like a ridiculous suggestion, but it does make a certain amount of sense if you stop to consider the argument. Humanity has long held youth in high esteem, originally because it was a sign of fertility and health, which were important prerequisites for hunting and reproduction.

In ‘fixed’ environments, psychological maturity was useful because it indicated experience and wisdom. However, sometime in the latter part of the past century, child-like youthfulness started to have a new function which was to remain adaptive to a changing environment. Words:Zemblanity - Tractatus. My favorite word is Zemblanity.

Words:Zemblanity - Tractatus

I use it as often as I am able in order to get it to catch on and enter the English language. You don't know what it means? Well, that is because it was coined not long ago by William Boyd in his book Armadillo. NOVLANGUE – « Tweet », « vuvuzela » et « cagole » dans le « Petit Robert » (« Le Parisien »)