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Bloggers Mean Business. There was a moment after New York’s 2009 Fall Fashion Week when fashion bloggers had officially, as the press likes to call it, “arrived.” They had blogged their way to the front row of Bryant Park’s most exclusive runway shows; they were the new army of digital Anna Wintours. They wrote in Internet slang and posted photos of themselves mixing vintage with Valentino. They were so quirky! And also, influential! Or so news outlets gushed. Stiff, walled-off fashion editors, once secure in their self-preserved ivory towers, were trembling in fear of a coup.

Fast forward two years and fashion’s digerati have shown they actually have no interest in Wintour’s job. For the past four years, Midwesterner Jessica Quirk’s blog, What I Wore, has featured photos of her wearing outfits she’s styled. The explosion of this type of blog and the influence of the women behind them are due, in part, to readers of magazine glossies wanting to see relatable ladies in “real world” clothes. Cost.gif (Image GIF, 1000x5567 pixels)

Real-Time Engagement Practices on TV ~ New #HootSuite Case Study. (La versión en español de este artículo, la encontrarás más abajo) HootSuite is a powerful tool for large teams and organizations managing multiple contributors. But it’s also a valuable resource for small teams with a lot of social networking on their hands. To illustrate this scenario, we have a new Case Study fresh from Spain. Find out how Play Television used HootSuite to successfully manage real time audience engagement in a unique experience called the Twittersodios. The Twittersodios - a Pioneer Experience in Spain Play Television in Spain had a unique challenge; they developed an experience that recreated each episode of the TV show El Barco on Twitter before each broadcast, but had only a small team to manage all 14 Twitter profiles. Using HootSuite, the team was able to bring the characters from the TV show to life in the Twittersodios — literally a combination of the word ”Twitter” and the word for “episodes” in Spanish.

Learn More Social ********* Spanish version ********* Marketing 2.0 Conference - Insights from the Social Media Industry. Facebook 'Likes' more profitable than tweets. These findings apply broadly to all e-commerce businesses, Eventbrite's marketing director says. Study: Marketers looking for monetary returns might get more value from Facebook Average tweet drove 80 cents in ticket sales, average Facebook Like drove $1.34People shared events on Facebook almost four times as often as they did on Twitter (Mashable) -- If event registration site Eventbrite's experience is any indication, social media marketers looking for monetary returns on their efforts might get more value from Facebook than Twitter.

The company announced Wednesday that an average tweet about an event drove 80 cents in ticket sales during the past six months, whereas an average Facebook Like drove $1.34. The study, which used in-house social analytics tools to track ticket sales on the site, was a continuation of a similar analysis the company released in October after analyzing data from a 12-week period. Obviously people are more likely to share events if they are attending.


Find Your Social Media Score. Young Users Hating On Brands. Bad news for brands enamored with the possibility of connecting one-on-one with each and every consumer through the magic of social media: Young people don’t want to be friends with you. According to a new report from Forrester Research, just 6 percent of 12-17-year-olds who use the Web desire to be friends with a brand on Facebook, despite the fact that half of this demographic uses the site. Among Web-connected 18-24-year-olds, that figure doubles—meaning that 12 percent of that demo is OK with befriending brands—though the vast majority of young adults are not, per Forrester.

Even scarier for brands: Young people don’t want brands' friendship, and they think brands should go away. “Many brands are looking to social media as a strong digital channel to communicate with these consumers, since it’s where 12- to 17-year-olds are spending so much time,” wrote Jacqueline Anderson, Forrester’s Consumer Insights Analyst, who authored the report. So what should brands do?


Ben hourahine : lovely quote - consumers make viral marketing. 2. The 6 Dimensions of Social Commerce - Mark Ellis, Syzygy. Why people are friending your brand on Facebook. Startups like Klout may have a hard time convincing brands they can prove how influential social media followers are. But dozens of studies aim to figure out why consumers are mentioning, following, or friending brands via social media. The latest is from Empathica, which surveyed over 15,000 Americans and Canadians, to deliver its take on who's following brands and why.

Give me coupons, please Empathica found 60% of consumers said they follow at least one brand on their social networks. On its own, that data point isn't particularly newsworthy for marketers, since follower counts alone are poor benchmarks for determining whether a social media campaign is really influential. So why are all those consumers friending and following brands? Some 40% of survey respondents said they followed brands so they could search for or receive coupons and special promotions. The reasoning didn't vary much depending on demographics, either. The key here? Getting it right. Online Communities: How to encourage involvement. Burson-Marsteller 2011 Global Social Media Check-up. The Effectiveness of Groupon: Infographic  This Infogaphic from MyCuponCodes shows some of the numbers (US) behind the mighty Groupon.

With 5 Million subscribers, we all know that Groupon is huge but is it profitable for businesses? American Apparel’s recent Groupon deal – selling 133,000 group-buy Groupons at $25 (worth $50 each), demonstrates the value of attracting new customers, and the potential for up-sell opportunities: “The killer was email address acquisition… We converted approximately 25% of in store redemptions into signing up for our email list… which is on track to generate an additional five to six figures in online revenue.”

The results: American Apparel said customers who purchased the $25 group-buy deal endedup spending an average of $70. With return on investment like this can companies afford to not get involved? Be Sociable, Share! American Apparel, Group-buy deals, Groupon, Groupon Deals, Groupon Effectiveness. Print Article: Top 10 analytics tools for social media. Participating in social media for brands is no longer a question of if, or even a how. Even the stuffiest of CEOs and their companies have joined the conversations, and they've hired social media experts and PR firms to advise them on how to build campaigns and engage customers. In fact, eMarketer's recent study "Social Media in the Marketing Mix: Budgeting for 2011" estimates that 80 percent of U.S. businesses with 100 or more employees will use social media marketing this year.

So now that we are all here, the questions shift. What now? And are we doing this right? There are scores of companies out there trying to help brands answer these questions. Just search Google or Quora for "social media analytics" and "social media monitoring," or check out OneForty. Stay informed. Paid: Sysomos Its key features include: Two keys to this tool appear to be the advanced sentiment feature and the ability to drill down by region.

Heartbeat isn't for everyone, though. Paid: Radian6 Features include: Checkin4Deals | Retrouvez les meilleurs Deals géolocalisés. Viral_thinking.


Facebook. The History of Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]