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European Social Technographics 2010. Mené auprès de 25 535 consommateurs âgés de 16 ans et + sur 8 pays européens (France, Allemagne, Italie, Hollande, Pologne, Espagne, Suède, Angleterre), le dernier rapport de Forrester souligne la participation croissante des Européens aux réseaux sociaux.

European Social Technographics 2010

L’Europe a ainsi enregistré une progression à 2 chiffres sur 1 an (+61%) - Une stabilisation du nombre d’internautes qui créent du contenu online : 14% des Européens créent du contenu (Creators) et 21% laissent des commentaires ou contribuent à des forums (Critics) - Avec l’utilisation croissante de Facebook et Twitter, les conversationalists, nouvelle catégorie créée par Forrester en 2010 pour mieux prendre en compte ceux qui participent aux conversations, sont 2 fois plus nombreux que les Créateurs en Europe. 31% des européens sont ainsi des conversationalists (participent aux conversations). - Les Joiners ,qui disposent d’un profil sur un réseau social, est la population en plus forte croissance en Europe.

8% of online Americans use Twitter. Overview: The people who use Twitter Eight percent of the American adults who use the internet are Twitter users.

8% of online Americans use Twitter

It is an online activity that is particularly popular with young adults, minorities, and those who live in cities. This is the first-ever survey reading from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project that exclusively examines Twitter users. In previous surveys, the Project had asked internet users whether they “used Twitter or another service to share updates about yourself or to see updates about others?” Here is a little background on our reasoning for focusing just on Twitter in this more recent survey: The message service Twitter launched on July 15, 2006 and now claims tens of millions of users worldwide. Since August 2008, the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project has been asking a question in occasional national telephone surveys about services like Twitter.

In August 2008, 6% of internet users said “yes” to that question. NSFW: Bye-Bye Seymour – Like Any Sensible Narcissist, I’m Locking My Twitter Account. I’m hardly the first person to have had the idea: I’m going to shut down my Twitter account.

NSFW: Bye-Bye Seymour – Like Any Sensible Narcissist, I’m Locking My Twitter Account

I’m probably not the first to have decided to delete Facebook, Foursquare, Blippy, Google Buzz, LinkedIn or Delicious either. I may be the only person this year to have deleted my Friendfeed account, but only because I’m probably the only person this year to remember that he has a Friendfeed account. No, I would hardly be the first person to decide to embark on a Social Shutdown (as Blippy’s Philip Kaplan termed it) having grown tired of the relentless look-at-me-ism of the Status Update Generation.

And I wouldn’t be the first to realise that there’s more to life than feeding the insatiable blood-eating plant of social media – imagine Audrey II in Little Shop Of Horrors – just to keep the fifteen people who care appraised of my every move. But that’s not why I’m doing it. Huh? What? Well. Narcissism, then, is my stock in trade. For that reason, I have embraced social media wholeheartedly. Influence Test: University Bans Social Media for a Week. Central to our Influence Project is the examination of how we can use social media to influence others.

Influence Test: University Bans Social Media for a Week

But another important part of the project is to look at how we're influenced by social media. And that's exactly what Pennsylvania's Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is studying starting today. NPR reports that the university is implementing a week-long ban of social media for all students, which means no Facebook, no tweeting, no checking in on Foursquare. The entire campus will be going cold turkey. The school hopes its student body will be able to reflect on how social media has impacted our lives. The campus-wide blackout won't affect all communications.


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