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Drupal 8

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Twig y otros "themas" en Drupal 8. Migrando un módulo Field Formatter a drupal 8. Cambios en Drupal 8. Drupal 8 field API examples, by @plopesc. Annotation based plugins don't need a use statement anymore. Migrando un Field Formatter a Drupal 8. Drupal 8: RESTful Services. Peter Mallett | Senior Drupal Developer Our next webinar in the six part series on Drupal 8 is given by Peter Mallett. In this webinar Peter summarizes the meaning of Services in Drupal 8, why the initiative is happening, a few features with a demo, and some of the rules of REST. The demo is running on a pre-alpha 3 development snapshot of Drupal 8. Peter elaborates on a question heard from the presentation that asked if it would be possible to create custom services endpoints that still utilized "verbs" in the resource URI.

His answer stated that you should encapsulate the logic elsewhere in the application, so that the service resources would only need to be used with POST, PATCH, etc. This example will better illustrate what he was trying to convey: Imagine we have resources: teacher, class, student, assignment, and task. One thing we might want to do is assign a task to every student in a teacher's class based on an assignment entity.

In the end we have the same result. Drupal 8 y la adopción de los contenidos estructurados. Twig, el nuevo motor de plantillas de Drupal 8.