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Mais quelle galère que la distribution de programmes Python packagés ! - Vimperator. Commençons par le grand classique, car c'est le seul distribué avec Python, dans la bibliothèque standard, et sur lequel tout le monde peut compter : distutils.

Mais quelle galère que la distribution de programmes Python packagés ! - Vimperator

Le principe est qu'on écrit un fichier qui va indiquer un certain nombre de choses sur le programme : from distutils.core import setup setup(name='SeenThis', version='0.0', description='Use the SeenThis API', license='BSD', author='Stephane Bortzmeyer', author_email='', url=' ) Python Ecosystem - An Introduction » - Vimperator. When developers shift from PHP, Ruby or any other platform to Python, the very first road block they face (most often) is a lack of an overall understanding of the Python ecosystem.

Python Ecosystem - An Introduction » - Vimperator

Developers often yearn for a tutorial or resource that explains how to accomplish most tasks in a more or less standard way. What follows is an extract from the internal wiki at my workplace, which documents the basics of the Python ecosystem for web application development for our interns, trainees and experienced developers who shift to Python from other platforms. This is not a complete resource. My target is to make it a work in perpetual progress. Hopefully, over time, this will develop into an exhaustive tutorial.

Intended Audience. Python for the Web - - Vimperator. The theme music for this blog post is: Air - Playground Love.

Python for the Web - - Vimperator

Python is the best language in the world for interacting with the web, and I'm going to show you why. This article will give an extremely high level overview of how to use python for the web. There are many ways you can interact with the web using python, and this post will cover all of them. Cloud Computing. Simplified. How to become a proficient Python programmer. Spoiler: This post is primarily gonna be an excerpt of my bookmarks collection.

How to become a proficient Python programmer

That’s because more intelligent men than me have already written great articles on the topic of how to become a great Python programmer. I will focus on four primary topics: Functional programming, performance, testing and code guidelines. When those four aspects merge in one programmer, he or she will gain greatness no matter what. Functional programming Writing code in an imperative style has become the de facto standard. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s great.

Performance There’s so much talk going on about how inefficient these ‘scripting languages’ (Python, Ruby, …) are, that it’s easy to forget that very often it’s the algorithm chosen by the programmer that leads to horrible runtime behaviour. Testing Testing is probably one the most misjudged topics in computer science these days. ActiveState Code. Waf - The meta build system. Pretty Python Plotting With CairoPlot —

Pipe: Infix syntax for Python. Pipe is a Python module enabling infix syntax in Python.

Pipe: Infix syntax for Python

For those asking “Why ?” Let’s take an example : Compare the readability of the classical prefix syntax : And the infix syntax : Isn’t the infix syntax more readable ? The base class of Pipe is kept simple (7 lines of python) and is usable as a decorator permitting you to create new ‘pipeable’ functions easily. Let me introduce the basic usage of the Pipe module, then I’ll write some bits on how to build new ones : To start, get it from PyPI and install it, open a REPL, import pipe, and play : Until here it’s easy, to know more about available pipes, just read the help(pipe) in the REPL, all are explained with an example as a doctest Now as we know that pipeable functions use iterables, we can try to pipe together two or more pipeables : Now, a bit about lazyness, as Pipe use iterables, the evaluation of a whole Pipe is lazy, so we can play with infinite generators like this one : Isn it pretty ?

Right ? Overview of Python Tools for Working with Linked Data. Pattern: A Bundle of Data Mining Modules for Python. Generator Tricks for Systems Programmers - Version 2.0. Generator Tricks for Systems Programmers - Version 2.0 Copyright (C) 2008David M.

Generator Tricks for Systems Programmers - Version 2.0

Presented at PyCon UK 2008, September 12, 2008. (7/19/2009) The Python Essential Reference, 4th Edition is now available. If you like this tutorial, you'll like this edition--there is extended coverage of generators, coroutines, and other advanced Python features. Introduction This tutorial discusses various techniques for using generator functions and generator expressions in the context of systems programming.

Support Data Files The following file contains some supporting data files that are used by the various code samples. Code Samples Here are various code samples that are used in the course. Part 2 : Processing Data Files. Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers. By Allen B.

Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers

Downey, published by O'Reilly Media. The second edition of this book is available now. We recommend you switch to the new (and improved) version! Hidden features of Python.