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Salaire, métier et rémunération : Outil gratuit de calcul de salaire - Plus de 5000 métiers analysés. Etes-vous riche ou pauvre ? En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies afin de réaliser des mesures d’audience.ContinuerDésactiver les cookies Qui sommes-nous ? | Nos partenaires | Nos publications | Nos formations | Nous soutenir | Contacts | Newsletter Focus Sans vous, l’Observatoire des inégalités n’existe pas.

Votre soutien compte. Outil Salaire Notre méthode : voir Où vous situez-vous sur l'échelle des salaires ? © Observatoire des inégalités | Source Insee | Infographie | Développement Rechercher sur le site Présentation Thémes Comprendre Nos sites Internet. Les salaires du design interactif. Les salaires de l'e-marketing. Se former aux nouveaux métiers du net - Journal du Net Managemen. 30 Artistic and Creative Résumés. In these tough economic times, many designers find themselves applying for jobs and freelance gigs on a regular basis. So, how can we stand out from the rest and grab the attention of a design agency when they’re usually bombarded with hundreds of applications? The best way to do this is in the design of your resume.

Assuming that you have the skills that they’re looking for, a striking and visually appealing resume will go a long way at getting you the creative job that you want. In the worst case scenario, it will at least buy you a few seconds by catching the eye of a recruiter and may become the difference between getting hired or not. In this article, we’ll take a look at 30 creative resumes that can inspire you to think outside the box when designing your own resume.

This post is sponsored by Sensational Jobs, the job board for designers. Which ones were your favorites?