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Fusion PCB & PCB Assembly & Flexible PCB - Seeed Studio. Circuit Stickers. What are Circuit Stickers? Circuit Stickers are electronic stickers that you can use to build glowing, sensing, and interactive projects without any complicated equipment or programming skills. All you need is your imagination. Building circuits with them is fun and easy – just stick them onto a surface like you would with a normal sticker, and build up a circuit by sticking several stickers together and adding a battery.

They’re an approachable way to learn and create electronics through craft, whether you’re just starting out with circuits or creating complex interactive artworks. Robot card: blushes when you press on its heart, with “Thank You!” Every starter kit comes with the Circuit Sticker Sketchbook, a step-by-step tutorial guide that will get you crafting with electricity in no time! What can I make with Circuit Stickers? Circuit stickers are light, paper-thin and flexible circuit boards cut into small, fun shapes with anisotropic conductive adhesive on the back. No worries! 1. 2. PCBShopper » A Price Comparison Site for Printed Circuit Boards.

Making Your Own Solder Paste Stencils. Making Your Own Solder Paste Stencils Skill Level: Intermediate by Paul Smith | October 25, 2012 | 57 comments Overview Surface mount components often intimidate people. When I was hired at SparkFun, I made the switch from Altium to Eagle, and instead of milling my PCBs, I had easy access to BatchPCB.

Recently, however, I started designing a PCB that has lots of LEDs, lots of rotary encoders, and lots of outputs to relays. There was still one problem though, how to solder the SMD components. We had heard rumor of people creating their own stencils using vinyl sheeting and a plotting cutter. In this tutorial we are going to talk about making solder paste stencils out of board files in Eagle. Requirements For this tutorial, I will be using the following software: Eagle 6.2.0 – PCB design Bullzip PDF Printer – A free PDF printer Adobe Illustrator CS5 Cutting Pro (included with the Robo Pro) And hardware: Note: Adobe Illustrator is not required. Step 1 – Design your PCB and get it made Conclusion. ITCDT20125.pdf. 2.4G Wireless nRF24L01+ module with PA and LNA. Overview The nRF24L01 module is the latest in RF modules. This module uses the 2.4GHz transceiver from Nordic Semiconductor, the nRF24L01+. This transceiver IC operates in the 2.4GHz band and has many new features! Take all the coolness of the nRF2401A and add some extra pipelines, buffers, and an auto-retransmit feature - very nice! This board features a reverse polarized SMA connector for maximum RF range. And there are PA and LNA circuit on board, with the external antenna it can reach long distance than the one without these parts. This module comes with the 2.4G antenna (2DB), with 250Kbps transmission rate on open air it can reach the 800-1K meters communication distance. Note: We now populate these boards with the nRF24L01+. Features Documents Please visit our wiki page for more info about this product.

Technical support For technical support, please open a ticket on Itead Support System. Nextion 2.4″ and 4.3″ UART TFT Displays Come with a Drag and Drop UI Editor (Crowdfunding) You may want or need to add a small TFT display to control your devices, and it may not always be easy to interface with the hardware, and desiging the user interface may be time consuming. ITEAD Studio latest project, Nextion TFT HMI touchscreen displays, aims to simplify connection with a simple UART interface, and make UI design easier with their Nextion Editor that allows developers to create a user interface without coding. Two models are available: The micro SD card is used to upload code faster than via the USB to UART interface. Beside the hardware, Nextion Editor is the other exciting part of this project. The WYSIWYG user interface editor allows you to drag and drop your own images / icons, and also comes with pre-defined components such as text, buttons, progress bar, menus, gauges, and so on.

Nextion Editor (Click to Enlarge) Nextion project has been listed on Indiegogo for a few days, and have already raised over $32,000 from about 1,400 backers. Catalog. Technical Machine.