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Plastic Arts. Writting. Art and Human Consciousness: Transcending Postmodern Doubt « PARALLAX. By Tai Carmen Art sings from the axis of truth to wake us up to who we are and where we are going. – Alex Grey, The Mission of Art Since the first prelinguistic human put rudimentary paint to rough cave wall, the human race has sought to bring its inner visions into the world through form, sound and story.

Art and Human Consciousness: Transcending Postmodern Doubt « PARALLAX

These early depictions focus mostly on animals, or on human-animal interaction, perhaps having some kind of magical pre-hunt ceremonial meaning. The next trend we see in ancient art (Egypt, Mesopotamia) is the portrayal of mythic power beings, often a merger of human-animal traits into superpowerful hybrids, perhaps an attempt of man to internalize the power he sees in animals. As his consciousness evolves, man begins to wonder why.