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Jocs i Animacions

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Preguntas liberadas TIMSS y PIRLS. Construïm un cos. Overview Learn about the body's systems with this drag and drop game.

Construïm un cos

Choose organs from the organ tray, and place them in their correct position within the body to create organ systems. Build-A-Body is a drag and drop game where players are tasked with assembling an organ system from a set of organs. Players may then attempt case studies where a functional problem with a system must be linked to the organ affected. How to play Build-a-Body.

Grups Sanguinis. What happens if you get a blood transfusion with the wrong blood type?

Grups Sanguinis

Even though a patient's own blood type is the first choice for blood transfusions, it's not always available at the blood bank. Try to save some patients' lives and learn about human blood types! Play the Blood Typing Game About this game Embed the Blood Typing Game onto your own web site or blog Swedish version of the game. Misteri al Botànic - Principal. Animacions de Biologia Cel·lular. Protoctistes i Moneres (Nacho) Rocas sedimentarias.wmv. Rocas ígneas.wmv. Rocas metamorficas.wmv. Continental Drift: Alfred Wegener Song by The Amoeba People. Avaluació del professorat.