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Bitcoin. CCN: Breaking Bitcoin News. Bitcoin. Bitcoin Forum - Index. Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Crash Course with Andreas Antonopoulos - Jefferson Club Dinner Meetup. 30 Top Twitter Feeds in Economics and Finance | INOMICS blog. Noahpinion. BitcoinMania. The key finding of the BoE’s report on cryptocurrencies is that the technology which supports digital currencies, the distributed open ledger — also known as the blockchain — may have a potential and positive use in the wider banking and asset business.

This is contrary, however, to its position on the Bitcoin currency which it says in its current fixed supply form would expose the economy to significant deflationary risk if it was ever to be widely adopted by the public. Or as they put it: …the inability of the money supply to vary in response to demand would likely cause welfare-destroying volatility in prices and real activity. Read more Okay, we know, this is now our fourth post on the BoE’s foray into the world of cryptocurrencies. But we think it may be the most interesting, given that it focuses on the economics at the heart of Bitcoin mining. For example, who can resist this log scale chart of the computational power per address in the Bitcoin network? Read more Here’s the damage: BitcoinMania.

Balance of Payments: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. Few subjects in economics have caused so much confusion—and so much groundless fear—in the past four hundred years as the thought that a country might have a deficit in its balance of payments. This fear is groundless for two reasons: (1) there never is a deficit, and (2) it would not necessarily hurt anything if there was one. The balance-of-payments accounts of a country record the payments and receipts of the residents of the country in their transactions with residents of other countries.

If all transactions are included, the payments and receipts of each country are, and must be, equal. Any apparent inequality simply leaves one country acquiring assets in the others. For example, if Americans buy automobiles from Japan, and have no other transactions with Japan, the Japanese must end up holding dollars, which they may hold in the form of bank deposits in the United States or in some other U.S. investment.

How about the issue of foreign ownership? About the Author Further Reading. Concise Encyclopedia of Economics| Library of Economics and Liberty. Harry Johnson, a Canadian, was one of the most active and prolific economists of all time. His main research was in the area of international trade, international finance, and monetary policy. One of Johnson's early articles on international trade showed that a country with monopoly power in some good could impose a tariff and be better off, even if other countries retaliated against the tariff. His proof was what is sometimes called a "possibility theorem"; it showed that such a tariff could improve the country's well-being, not that it was likely to.

Johnson, realizing the difference between what could be and what is likely to be, was a strong believer in free trade. Indeed, he often gave lectures in his native Canada excoriating the Canadian government for its protectionist policies and arguing that Canada could eliminate some of the gap between Canadian and U.S. standards of living by implementing free trade.... Where did Slovenia import from in 2011? | The Atlas Of Economic Complexity. Noahpinion. "Free To Choose" (1980) a TV Series by Milton Friedman. Calendrier économique international - - Forex. How the Recession Reshaped the Economy, in 255 Charts. Où consulter les principaux indicateurs de conjoncture économique ?