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BD Music News - [OMFG] A Trees Age Rings Converted Into Music Sounds Like A Horror Score - StumbleUpon. Super Japanese Ghouls 'n Ghosts. Japanese folklore has a rich and terrifying tradition of all sorts of zany ghosts, ghouls, monsters, and goblins.

Super Japanese Ghouls 'n Ghosts

Japanese ghosts collectively known as yūrei (幽霊), and Japanese monsters collectively known as yōkai (妖怪) are arguably the most popular. But how many traditional Japanese spooks do you actually know anything about? The Worlds Smallest and Deadliest Animals. Smallest And Deadliest Animals: Poison Dart Frog The sprightly and brightly colored frog may look enchanting, but it can produce enough poison to kill 10 humans.

The Worlds Smallest and Deadliest Animals

Thriving in humid, tropical environments of Central and Latin America, the poison dart frog oozes black slime from its back, which is actually a neurotoxin used to ward off predators. Australian Box Jellyfish Found across the northern half of Australia – particularly in Queensland – the box jellyfish washes up on the shores after heavy rain and high tide. If stung, the venom contained in their tentacles attacks a human’s cardiac and nervous system – even when the tentacles aren’t attached to the jellyfish’s body. 137 Freaky Wikipedia Entries.