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QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Creator And Encoder For Brochures, Print Advertising, Business Cards & Stickers. Early Years. A basic numeral recognition activitiy. Develop your mouse control and number skills by matching number digits to words in the 1 to 10 range. © An initial sounds phonic activity that develops the link between letters and the initial sounds of some common objects.

A counting and numeral recognition set of activities. Colouring and matching activity. Use the Simple Scales to weigh the bears. Dressing for the Weather is a drag and drop dressing activity. A drag and drop alien making activity to develop mouse control skills and to develop language. Drag and drop fun with the Scary Spuds. © Drag and drop the names of the single digit numbers on to the picture. Drag and drop the names of the colours on to the picture. This simple labelling activity can be used to reinforce the idea of labels and as a framework for children to begin to add their own captions and labels to familiar scenes such as a teddy bear's picnic.picnic lesson outline.

Oxford Owl - Welcome. Tutpup - play, compete, learn. PhonicsPlay - Phonics games, planning, assessments and printables. Sebastian Swan. Boowa and Kwala Home - songs, games, stories... Whiteboards - Foundation Other Subjects. Whiteboards - Foundation Investigating. Whiteboards - Foundation Mathematics. Sprout | Preschool Kids Games, Videos, Preschool Activities. Barnaby Bear - Home. The Little Animals Activity Centre - Homepage.

Schools - Barnaby Bear. Schools: Early Years Foundation Stage. Home.