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Sixth Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Sixth Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets. To satisfy the Common Core Standards for 6th grade mathematics this course focuses on four critical areas.

Sixth Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Sixth Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets

First, students will learn to connect the ideas of ratio and rate to multiplication and division. If they can view ratios and rates as originating from and extending pairs of rows or columns the connection with multiplication and division allows students to expand on their skills. Second, the students will complete their understanding of the division of fractions and of the system of rational numbers, including negative numbers. They will understand the order and absolute value of rational numbers and the location of points on the four quadrants of the coordinate plane. Third, the students will learn to write and understand expressions and equations. Fourth, the students will begin to develop an understanding of statistics. Seventh Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Seventh Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets.

This course follows the Common Core Standards for 7th grade mathematics and focuses on four critical areas.

Seventh Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Seventh Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets

First, the students will develop and understanding of proportional relationships. They will use their understanding of ratios to develop an understanding of proportionality and solve single- and multi-step problems. The students will learn to use their understanding to solve a wide variety of percent problems. Students will learn how to graph proportional relationships and calculate and describe the slope of the line as a property used to describe a relationship. Second, the students will learn to understand operations with rational numbers and begin to work with expressions and linear equations. Third, the students will learn to use two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems regarding area, surface area, and volume. Fourth, the students will learn to draw conclusions about populations based on samples. Eighth Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Eighth Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets. This course is aligned with the Common Core Standards for 8th grade mathematics and focuses on three critical areas.

Eighth Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Eighth Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets

First, the students will learn to formulate expressions and equations, show the association of data with a linear equation, and to solve linear equations. The students will become comfortable using the linear equation, y = mx + b. They will understand that m represents the rate of change of the two variables. In addition they will understand the graphs are lines through the origin. The students will become comfortable using a linear equation to describe the relationship between two values in bivariate data.

Second, the students will learn to understand functions and to use a function to describe quantitative relationships. Fifth Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Fifth Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets. This course is aligned with the Common Core Standards for 5th grade mathematics and focuses on three critical areas.

Fifth Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Fifth Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets

First, the students will become skilled at the addition and subtraction of fractions. They will continue to develop understanding of the multiplication of fractions and learn to do some simple division of fractions. The students use the meaning of fractions, of multiplication and division to understand why the processes for multiplying and dividing fractions make sense. Second, the students will expand their knowledge of division to include 2-digit divisors and decimal operations. The students will have mastered multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Fourth Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Fourth Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets.

Third Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Third Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets. This class follows the Common Core Standards for 3rd grade mathematics.

Third Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Third Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets

The course focuses on four critical areas. First, the students will begin to develop an understanding of multiplication and division. They will learn these skills through activities and problems of equal-sized groups where multiplication finds an unknown product and division finds an unknown factor. The students will learn to solve multiplication and division problems involving single-digit numbers. Second, the students will begin to understand fractions, especially fractions with numerator 1. Third, the students will begin to understand area as a property used to describe two-dimensional shapes. Fourth, students learn to describe and compare two-dimensional shapes. Second Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Second Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets.

First Grade Mathematics Curriculum, First Grade Math Class Activities and Worksheets. Kindergarten math curriculum, Kindergarten Mathematics Classes Activities and Worksheets.

Eighth Grade

Seventh Grade. Sixth Grade. Fifth Grade. Fourth Grade. Third Grade. Second Grade. First Grade. Kindergarten.