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Know Signs! Know when Your Child Needs Glasses. Undiagnosed eyesight impairments can affect your child’s performance both inside and outside of the classroom.

Know Signs! Know when Your Child Needs Glasses

Do’s and Don’t’s When Using Eye Drops. Your optometrist may recommend you to use eye drops to treat an eye infection, injury, or condition.

Do’s and Don’t’s When Using Eye Drops

You may also be using over-the-counter eye drops to relieve dry or red eyes. No matter what reason you are using them, it is important for you to use eye drops correctly. As a provider of visual ophthalmology services, here are some do’s and don’t’s we frequently remind our clients: How Diabetes Affect Eyesight.

If you have visited your ophthalmologist for a walk-in eye exam, they may have told you to eat well and maintain a normal blood sugar level to keep your eyes strong and healthy.

How Diabetes Affect Eyesight

Unknown to most people, diabetes affects eyesight. Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that causes blurry vision, floating spots in your vision, and for serious cases, may lead to blindness. It is important for a person with diabetes to have visual ophthalmology services—specifically a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year. This condition may not present symptoms at first, but catching it at its early stages can help you take steps to protect your vision. Aside from visual exams, managing your diabetes is one of the best ways to take care of your eyes.

Simple Ways to Reduce Digital Eye Strain. Whether you’re just scrolling on social media, streaming a show, playing a game, or working from home, more screen usage means more work for your eyes.

Simple Ways to Reduce Digital Eye Strain

This may cause digital eye strain or sometimes also called “computer vision syndrome.” Common symptoms of digital eye strain include: Blurry visionDry or tired eyesHeadachesReduced sleep quality If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, these simple tips that we, as a provider of Visual Ophthalmology Services, recommend can help you feel more at ease. Things to Know About Styes. What Is a Stye?

Things to Know About Styes

A stye is an infection in the eyelid that is caused by bacteria and can occur at the base of an eyelash or within one of the small oil glands within the eyelid. Types of Styes There are two types of stye: External stye: one that grows at the base of the eyelash.Internal stye: one that grows on one of the small oil glands within the eyelid. Other Reasons for Bumps on the Eyelash Although styes are the result of blocked oil glands, other reasons for developing bumps on your eyelids are milia, chalazia, a scratch, or (in rare cases) cancer. Stye Symptoms and Signs Symptoms of a stye include: A lump on the eyelidEyelid painRednessSwollen eyelidsTendernessDroopy eyelidsEye discharge (crustiness around the eyelid)A burning sensationWatery eyes. Possible Causes for Your Blurred Vision. Your blurred vision can mean a lot of things, not just the need for glasses. only wants what is best for your eyes.

Possible Causes for Your Blurred Vision

So we’re here to talk about some of the most common causes for your blurred eye-sight. Take a look: Eyestrain This can happen after focusing on something without taking a break. This is a common condition among people who spend long hours in front of computers and mobile screens.An incoming migraine Migraine attacks are typically accompanied by an aura, which causes blurred vision. Though, frequent migraines could be a sign that you need eyeglasses.Corneal abrasion This happens when your cornea gets scratched or injured, leading to blurry vision and feeling like there’s something in your eye.

If you find that you’re experiencing blurred vision often, it’s time to visit our Optical Glasses Store in Ridgewood, New York. Things You Can Do to Prevent Dry Eyes. A dry eye can be uncomfortable and irritating.

Things You Can Do to Prevent Dry Eyes

A dry eye is not something you should leave untreated for a long time because if you do, it can cause sensitivity of the eye, blurred vision, and other complications. Significant drying of the surface of the eye can even lead to an increased risk of serious infections and can permanently impair your vision. People with severe dry eyes might have their quality of life affected and have difficulties in performing daily activities, such as reading. What You Should and Shouldn't Do When Wearing Contact Lenses. Contact lenses and eyeglasses are different.

What You Should and Shouldn't Do When Wearing Contact Lenses

Caring for your contacts is a little more difficult because it is very delicate. Furthermore, you insert it in your eyes. If not cared for properly, it may cause infection which can lead to certain eye problems. To avoid that, here’s what you should and shouldn’t do: Always remove your contacts before you go to sleep even when you are very tired. Being an optical glasses store in Ridgewood, New York that aims to provide high-quality vision products, serves the community with its affordable prices and professional staff.

Tips for Teens: Maintaining Good Eyesight. Our eyesight is one of the most important senses.

Tips for Teens: Maintaining Good Eyesight

If you have good eyesight, it is normal not to be worried about your eye health. But even as a teenager, your eyesight is still developing so it may not always be as perfect as it is now. For this reason, you still have to look out for your eyes to prevent any unwanted accidents, infections, injuries, and other eye complications. Recognizing Headaches Caused by Eye Strain. Every Type of Eyewear Essential to Everyone. A lot of people think that only those who have eye problems need eyewear.

Every Type of Eyewear Essential to Everyone

This is a big misconception that needs to be corrected. Although people with eye problems are greatly dependent on eyeglasses, it does not mean that they are the only ones who need to use eyewear. Safeguarding the eyesight is important for everyone. This holds especially true for children. They must learn to take precautionary measures to maintain their eye health as much as possible. With the advent of technology, maintaining a 20/20 vision has become even more challenging nowadays.

Discover Lifestyle Factors That Affect Eye Health. Although age is the top risk factor that affects eye health, other factors contribute to problems with your vision. Aside from high blood pressure or diabetes, several lifestyle factors increase your risk for vision problems. As your trusted optical glasses store in Ridgewood, New York, we will share the top lifestyle factors that affect eye health: Excessive screen time.

Clean Your Eyeglasses the Proper Way. Many New Yorkers use a pair of corrective eyeglasses daily, as recommended by their ophthalmologist and for other good reasons. You, too, are probably wearing right now a pair you bought from an eyeglasses store in New York! Eyeglasses can help you see better and prevent you from experiencing headaches or nausea. However, there are times when it becomes irritating. For instance, when you see a speck of dust or smudge on either one of the lenses. Let’s not forget the natural oils from our skin and eyelashes that build up around them, too, reducing our eyeglasses’ effectiveness. Many are guilty of cleaning their eyeglasses, particularly the lenses, using their sleeve or their shirt’s base.

Maintaining Your Eye Health as You Age. Great eyesight enables you to perform well wherever you may be. That is the reason it’s imperative to find a way to ensure you keep your visual perception at its best. An ordinary eye test in an eyeglasses store in New York is the most ideal approach to secure your visual health. Here are a few tips to maintain your eye health as you age: Eat a Balanced Diet and Exercise Regularly.Food rich in Vitamins A and C, as well as omega-3 and unsaturated fats, can help promote the macula, the part of the eye responsible for focal vision. Exercise, on the other hand, improves blood circulation, which improves the transfer of oxygen levels to the eyes and the expulsion of toxins. For more information about eye health, get in touch with , your reliable optical glasses store in Ridgewood, New York. Proper Caring Tips for Contact Lenses. Keeping your contact lenses soaked in their solution is not enough to effectively care for them and maintain their quality.

Even those who have been using contact lenses prescribed by their optometrist for a while now are still unable to fully care for their pairs. Clean and effective contact lenses are important for your eye health. Here are a few tips on how to properly care for your contact lenses that wants you to know about: Strictly wear your contact lenses within the schedule prescribed by your doctor.Clean, rinse, and disinfect your contact lenses with fresh solution every time you take them off.

Dispose of the old solution.If you feel slight irritation or notice vision changes, remove your contact lenses, and seek visual ophthalmology services immediately.Don’t expose your contact lenses to any kind of water. Myths About Eyeglasses Debunked. Have you ever heard a lot of things about a topic and believed they were true, even if they weren’t? Take French fries, for example. Despite their name, they aren’t from France—they actually originate from Belgium. Contacts vs. Glasses: Which One Should You Choose? The argument between which is better—contacts or glasses—is just as intense as debates on The Beatles vs. the Stones or cats vs. dogs. Ask people who need visual ophthalmology services and some of them will tell you they are loyal to one while others will recommend using the two. So, how can you choose between contacts or glasses? Our optical glasses store in Ridgewood, New York has listed down some things you should consider in the decision-making process: Convenience Are you the low maintenance type?

Eye Errors that Require the Usage of Eyewears. Refractive errors can affect both adults and kids. According to the National Eye Institute, these are vision dilemmas that make someone see unclearly when the shape of the eye keeps light from focusing accurately in the retina. Choosing Your First Pair of Glasses.