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Aug 1 -11

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Google Refuses Korean Real-Names Policy But Imposes It On G+ Users. Posted by Tom Foremski - August 9, 2011 Google's insistence that people use their real names on Google Plus goes against its official policy of refusing to comply with South Korea's Real-Name verification law. The Korean law forces web sites with more than 100,000 visitors per day to force users to use their real names.

Google got around it by stopping Korean users of YouTube from posting comments and told them to upload video to a neighboring country's YouTube site. Google Tests The Limits Of Governments - Bars Korean Users From Uploading Videos And Leaving Comments - SVW Rachel Whetstone, VP of Global Comms, explained: "Google thinks the freedom of expression is most important value to uphold on the internet. We concluded in the end that it is impossible to provide benefits to internet users while observing this country's law because the law does not fall in line with Google's principles.

" Why then does Google insist that Google Plus users have to use their real names? Infographic: How Much Do Engineers Earn? Social Media Is Not Corporate Media. Posted by Tom Foremski - August 1, 2011 There's a gold rush going on as legions of self-proclaimed experts are working with corporations to help them monetize the potential riches in exploiting social media. I look at the links and articles that social media "experts" are sharing all day long on Twitter, Facebook, etc, and it all boils down to this type of message: "Here are ways to turn social media into a lucrative corporate marketing/sales channel.

" There are lots of services such as Klout, etc, that help corporations identify the people in social networks that should be targeted as part of online marketing programs. And there are hundreds of books written about how corporations can and should use social media to boost sales, profits, etc. But social media is not corporate media. Listening is a rare commodity in today's world where interruptions come every few seconds and distractions are just a click away. Listening to social media also preserves the authenticity of what's being said. Here's How Google+ Could Be Used To Create Killer Apps. Posted by Tom Foremski - August 1, 2011 By Graeme Lipschitz The meteoric launch of Google+ (20-million users in less than 3 weeks) can be seen as the proverbial phoenix rising from the ashes of such failures as Buzz and Wave - the word 'Circles' immediately comes to mind here.

Users are invited to collaborate with whomever they want to include and those who are excluded are oblivious to it, that's quite a nifty way to manage the message socially. This form of 'targeted sharing' is in keeping with their core money-spinner, AdWords, too. More on that later. What we can confirm via Joseph Smarr is that Google+'s backend is built mostly using BigTable and Colossus/GFS and that they use a lot of other common Google technologies such as MapReduce which many other Google applications do, too. Here's where some imaginative integration speculation can spice things up: Google+ and Docs = collaborative publishing on the fly. Google+ and Youtube = exponential video sharing. We Live In An "And" World... It's Quantum Not Binary. Posted by Tom Foremski - July 30, 2011 Something is always killing something else in the world of tech headline writers. Apple iPhone is killing something or being killed; and Google+ is killing something or being killed; or...

There's a lot of killing being discussed because it comes from a "binary" culture that doesn't understand the real world. But the reality is that many things can exist at the same time: we live in an analog world where there is an infinity number of states for any one thing -- not just off or on.