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Crop Circle Marketing | forgetomori. A few months ago a huge and very nice formation appeared in Chungnam Boryoung City, South Korea, which could be the first “crop circle” in the country. Now it turns out it was part of the marketing campaign for the new album of local singer Seo Tai-ji: Note how he actually call these a lie. There are some other clips of his marketing campaign on Youtube. I saw this over on Francesco Grassi’s blog, of CICAP, who also posted about Mathew Williams’ 2001 reproduction of the 1995 Longwood Warren formation. People over at Crop Circle Connector think Williams’ reproduction seems to be proof human-made crop circles are clearly different from "authentic" formations, but they forget to mention how this is usually so only in retrospect.

In Spain, just last month, several formations like the one above appeared around the country. It bothers me that these clear explanations of who and how these crop circles were created do not get as much attention as the first reports. Popularity: 3% [?] “Michael Jackson” ghost haunts Muhammad Ali? | forgetomori. “Ghost? Michael Jackson? Hi, I’m a boxing enthusiast. I was browsing youtube and found a video of the famous fight between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali, “Rumble in the jungle”. Well, at a point in the video (5:45~46 to be exact) a bizarre figure appeared in the background.

Asked Luis Fernando. On the other hand, the are some things that interact with the image – passing both in front and behind the “face” – which suggest that it was not such a bad editing job. I compiled an animated GIF with the relevant section after the jump, but have no further comments. Popularity: 7% [?] Slightly wet piece of rock | forgetomori. Fabulous image representing “all the water in the world (1.4087 billion cubic kilometres of it) including sea water, ice, lakes, rivers, ground water, clouds, etc.”, on a single sphere.

In the same scale, at right, “all the air in the atmosphere (5140 trillion tonnes of it) gathered into a ball at sea-level density.” Graphic by Dan Phiffer, via Fogonazos. UPDATE: This post has been suggested on BoingBoing (wow!) , and the power of the masses has quickly located the credits for it. It’s by Adam Nieman / Science Photo Library (US). So correct, that Dr Adam Nieman was awarded with it in 2004 in the Visions of Science photo competition. Popularity: 8% [?] The 50 Most Bizarre Google Earth Images | Content. Galleries - The 50 Most Bizarre Google Earth Images - The 50 Mos. Amazing Collection Of Accidental Events. An accidental event happens by chance or as the result of an accident, and is not deliberately intended.An accidental event may lead to many different consequences.Here are some very attractive and fantastic pictures of accidental events which will remain unforgettable for a long time.

About Author admin. A Masterpiece of Nature? Yuck! Ugly Animals - Slide Show. What If Dogs Wrote Cat Fancy Magazine?