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15 Cloud Storage Sites. If you’re waiting around for Apple’s rollout of iCloud, don’t overlook the current offering of sites to store your content in the cloud. Here is a list of cloud storage sites. Some of these sites store your content — such as documents and photos — so that you can access remotely and collaborate with peers. Other sites focus on storing your data for backup protection. A few even do both. Nearly all of these sites offer a free plan with a small amount of storage. Cloud Storage Sites ADrive. Carbonite. Dropbox. ElephantDrive. FilesAnywhere. FlipDrive. FreeDrive. iStorage. iStorage is an online storage service from Iomega.

Mozy. JungleDisk. 25個好用雲端服務:雲端硬碟、記事、音樂、轉檔通通有. Comparison of online backup services. This is a comparison of online backup services.

Comparison of online backup services

Online backup is a particular kind of file hosting service; however, various products that are designed for file storage may not have features or characteristics that others designed for backup have. Comparison[edit] Legend[edit] [edit] Acronis Up to five PCs, always incremental backups, remote access from the web AltDrive Data de-duplication; block-level incremental; unlimited offering. ASUS WebStorage Auto-upload on designated folder, auto-backup capabilities, cross-platform file access of upload and sharing - iOS, Android, Windows Marketplace, OS X, Ubuntu, Linux, Windows Store (Windows 8) also any compatible browser. 5 GB of free data. Backblaze. 搶在iCloud之前,七個雲端儲存服務為你擴充無限儲存空間! - 雖然iPhone/iPad的儲存空間已不少,對於很多朋友來講還是多多不夠用。

搶在iCloud之前,七個雲端儲存服務為你擴充無限儲存空間! -

現時坊間已有不少專為「i」裝置而設的外置硬碟,不過使用起來始終麻煩。 蘋果的iCloud服務即將推出,屆時大家就可以把iPhone/iPad資料存放至iCloud內,讓手機騰出更多空間供使用。 在此之前其實已經有不少雲端儲存公司免費為大家服務,筆者就找來七個熱門的推介給大家,擴充無限儲存空間不再是夢。 為顧及一些新手讀者,讓筆者先簡單解釋一下何為雲端儲存。 簡單點來講,是一個位於遠方的儲存系統,大家可以把自己的任何電腦資料,相片、影片、文件等等通通都上傳和儲存於這個系統。 那使用第三方公司所推出的雲端儲存比使用蘋果自家的iCloud服務有何優勝之處呢? 以下為大家介紹其中最熱門的七個應用: 13款云储存服务大比拼 总有一个适合你. 腾讯数码讯(编译:ExyPnos)如今云储存早已从一个概念走入普通消费者的生活,而云储存服务市场也是鱼龙混杂,质量参差不齐。 在此笔者根据用户的不同消费需求整理出一些优秀云储存服务与大家分享,希望每个用户都能找到适合自己的云储存服务,让其在日常生活中真正发挥作用。 最佳免费云储存服务——MediaFire 转播到腾讯微博 MediaFire是一个免费的云储存服务,它可以为用户提供高达50GB的储存空间。 而且MediaFire所支持的平台相当广泛,从PC、Linux、Mac到iOS和安卓,用户都可以通过其客户端随时随地获取云端文件资料。 其他推荐: Mega. 雲端大戰,6大免費網路硬碟誰最好用(上) 由於iPad以及其他手持裝置的儲存空間不夠用,雲端儲存空間因此越來越夯,讓小容量的裝置也能有取之不竭的檔案資源。


這麼多的雲端空間,哪一家的免費服務最好用呢? 雲端硬碟其實並不是新的東西。 但以前因為網路速度慢,所以我們寧可將檔案直接放在隨身碟中。 而現在頻寬已經不是問題,加上行動裝置開始採用SSD硬碟來當儲存,容量的價格變高。 因此,將資料轉而放在雲端,需要時才下載,會更經濟實用。 在各家雲端硬碟中,Dropbox是公認最佳的,T客邦也曾有專篇介紹過。 一、誰家的免費容量最好康? 在容量方面,你不能不將流量限制的因素一併考慮。 二、系統整合性、速度簡測. 十大雲端儲存空間|超嚴選@智慧好程式. The best free cloud storage services - How to choose the best cloud storage service - Cloud storage reviews - Software. Online cloud storage lets you back up your most important files, photos and documents safely online.

The best free cloud storage services - How to choose the best cloud storage service - Cloud storage reviews - Software

This means no more panic about stuttering hard drives or lost laptops. The best news? 12 free cloud storage options. Network World - With all the public cloud storage offerings on the market today, many vendors just want customers to sign up for their services.

12 free cloud storage options

So, in return for a new account, many offer free cloud storage. STARTUPS: 12 hot cloud companies to watch ENTERPRISE-FOCUSED FREE CLOUDS: Piston latest to jump on 'freemium' bandwagon Using the following 12 public cloud storage options, you could theoretically get 112GB of free cloud storage. But not all services are the same. The top 10 personal cloud-storage services. It is possible to have a free/cheap, good, and fast personal cloud storage service?

The top 10 personal cloud-storage services

Believe it or not, it is. While remote file storage has been with us for decade — I had remote storage on a Unix server using file transfer protocol (ftp) and NFS (Network File System) in the 80s — cloud storage for the masses didn't really get going until 2007 when Drew Houston, Dropbox's CEO and founder, got sick and tired of never being able to "remember to keep my USB drive with me". "I was drowning in email attachments, trying to share files for my previous startup. My home desktop's power supply literally exploded one day, killing one of my hard drives, and I had no backups," he said.

So after he "tried everything I could find, but each product inevitably suffered problems with internet latency, large files, bugs, or just made me think too much", he came up with the idea of the first popular cloud-based personal file storage service. Best Cloud Storage Providers and Reviews Online. Cloud Storage and Backup News, Reviews and Promos - Cloud Storage Buzz. Is there a free place where i can store music online? - Yahoo Answers. Five Best Cloud Storage Providers.