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Let Your Teeth Heal Themselves. Tooth Meridian Chart. Root Canal Treatment & The Toxic Tooth. The benefit of having root canal therapy (RCT) preformed is to preserve the tooth if an infection or inflammation has compromised it. This aids in the maintenance of the structural integrity of the mouth. The technology of treatment has advanced dramatically over the past ten years and continues to advance. The tooth is first isolated, then the dentist would open the tooth by drilling a hole on the top of the tooth and remove the infected pulp inside the canal (1-4 canals can be present in a given tooth).

The canals are filled, and then a filling material or crown is placed to seal the tooth. However there are concerns being raised about the potential negative influences associated with teeth that have been treated. It can be common practice in many dental offices to use toxic chemicals (cresatin, formocresol) for disinfection of diseased teeth, though this practice has gradually declined. Dr. In my experience most root canal treated teeth appear to be without negative influence. Xerostomia. Xerostomia (also termed dry mouth[1] as a symptom or dry mouth syndrome[2] as a syndrome) is dryness in the mouth (xero- + stom- + -ia), which may be associated with a change in the composition of saliva or reduced salivary flow (hyposalivation) or have no identifiable cause.

This symptom is very common and is often seen as a side effect of many types of medication. It is more common in older people (mostly because this group tend to take several medications) and in persons who breathe through their mouths (mouthbreathing). Dehydration, radiotherapy involving the salivary glands, and several diseases can cause hyposalivation or a change in saliva consistency and hence a complaint of xerostomia. Sometimes there is no identifiable cause, and there may be a psychogenic reason for the complaint.[1] Definition[edit] Signs and symptoms[edit] True hyposalivation may give the following signs and symptoms: Differential diagnosis[edit] Physiologic[edit] Drug induced[edit] Sjögren's syndrome[edit]