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La "curation" en question(s) La curation : les 10 raisons de s'y intéresser. Le Guide de la curation (1) - Les concepts. 01net le 14/03/11 à 16h00 Etymologie La pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditorialiser et partager du contenu a été baptisée par les Américains curation ou Content Curation, par analogie avec la mission du curator, le commissaire d’exposition chargé de sélectionner des œuvres d’art et de les mettre en valeur pour une exposition.

Les termes curation et curator prennent leurs racines étymologiques dans le latin cura, le soin. Ils n’ont pas d’équivalent en français, nous les utiliserons ici dans leur contexte anglais (curation en français désigne le traitement d’une maladie). Le terme curation est apparu en France fin 2010. Après l’e-Réputation et le Community Management, il s’annonce comme étant le « buzzword » de l’année 2011.

Historique La curation est la convergence des deux principales activités sur internet : la recherche et le partage. Elle est indissociable de la culture du partage, dont elle est l’héritière. Parallèlement, le volume d’informations n’a cessé de croître. Définitions. Présentation de l'atelier sur la "curation de contenus", par le p. ... Is Content Curation The New Community Builder? Content curation has drawn my interest.

I was at a tech conference last week and saw a couple of pretty cool applications for curating content. Setting a side the debate of right or wrong, these new content curation tools will make their mark. Content curation, which involves human filtering and organizing is much different than content aggregation. Content aggregation sites use algorithms to find and link to content. Over a year ago Mashable reported Why Content Curation Is Here To Stay; The debate pits creators against curators, asking big questions about the rules and ethical questions around content aggregation. Media Curation is the emerging trend toward integrating and pondering media content using a mix of machine and human resources. Media Curation is a complex subject among media professionals, with notable professionals both for and against the practice.

“If I was starting The Village Voice today, I would not print anything. So, Where are you with this? Steve Rosenbaum: Fast Company Founder on future of Curation & Magazines. From his chair as the Managing Editor of The Harvard Business Review, Alan Webber could see that there was something changing in the business world. Something big. And so Webber, a bit of an unconventional entrepreneur, and his partner at HBR set out to raise money to start a magazine about the emerging world of business.

They struck out. As we know, new ideas don't often get easy acceptance. Fast Company quickly became the bible for a new way to work. Today Webber's book "Rules of Thumb" turns a career of insights about companies and trends into a page turner that's likely to be scribbled on and have page corners folded over. I reached out to speak to him about the evolution from content creation to content curation. Says Webber: "The problem with the web is that the web is its own worst enemy.

For Webber, the next frontier is Curation and Design: "Today, we have an undifferentiated look and feel on the web. And new platforms are part of the equation. And what's working today?