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Time winning speaking phrases German flashcards. German expressions around the Kartoffel - Deutsch HappenDeutsch Happen. In two previous articles on Deutsch Happen I explained how, after some initial hesitance and lack of understanding, the potato made a triumphal arrival in Germany and is today one of the staple foods of Germans and integral part of their cuisine.

German expressions around the Kartoffel - Deutsch HappenDeutsch Happen

Therefore, it is somewhat logical that there are also expressions and sayings in the German language that include the word Kartoffel. For example, someone with a big, round nose is sometimes called Kartoffelnase (f), or sometimes the nose is referred to as Knolle (f) or Knollennase (f), similar to conk in British English. All three are, of course, colloquial and not very nice expressions. German Phrases. German Greetings.