Rizwan Ahmad
Focusteck is a user-focused digital agency providing research, design and development of apps, brands, digital products and campaigns.
Agile Vs Waterfall: Which Methodology Is Best For Your Startup? When you’re working on a project, choosing the correct development methodology is vital.
Yet it’s not one that’s easily answered. A development methodology is essentially a way to organize your software development process. The two most popular and widely used ones are Agile vs Waterfall methodology. Both methodologies have been used in the software industry for a long time. Hire Dedicated Team. How Mobile Applications Are Transforming the Fintech Industry. Mobile applications have been around for a while, thanks to the creation of many android app development companies.
The digital realm has influenced the finance industry, creating all-new standards for the mobile app development company industry. These apps have entirely transformed the fintech landscape in many ways, which we will explore in this article. Mobile Banking Mobile banking has revolutionized the way banks work. Now, users can simply log onto their bank’s mobile application and check their account details, current balance, loans, and other essential details. Thanks to mobiles, customers have all the important banking facilities at their tips. All top-level banks now have their own applications that can be downloaded for free.
Loan Based Applications. OUTSOURCE VS FREELANCE; WHAT’S BEST FOR YOUR STARTUP? As a Startup, getting work done fast and efficiently is one of the biggest problems you’d face.
10 Skills That You Should Look For While Hiring Angular Developer. As the commercial landscape evolves and incorporates more web technologies, businesses learn to represent themselves better on the digital landscape.
The first step is to develop a dynamic, responsive website with an intuitive design that offers multiple functionalities. But efforts don’t stop here. Businesses need to create versions of their products to facilitate communication and interactions, such as web and mobile apps. This is where they must consider hiring an Angular developer. Top 5 Contact Tracing apps that are aiding the fight against Covid 19 - Company News. The Coronavirus’s novelty that hit the world birthed a technological wonder aimed at stopping the virus’s spread.
Contact tracing apps are designed to help keep people safe, alerting them when exposed to people infected with the Coronavirus. We will share 5 of the Best COVID-19 contact tracing apps that have helped fight against the Corona Virus. The massive increase in the number of COVID-19 cases around promoted developers and health officials worldwide to use technology to reduce its spread. Over the past months, health workers and app developers have worked frantically to develop Android and Apple smartphones that help trace people infected with the virus and notify those close to them to keep a social distance; or those who have made contact with them to self-isolate.
The introduction of contact tracing apps caused privacy concerns among citizens. Premier Digital Agency Blog - Focusteck - Focusteck is a full-service digital agency, busy designing, engineering and marketing products, brands, and experiences from an idea to launch. Data Privacy And Why It Matters To Our Customers - Engineering. In today’s age of constant data breaches and privacy ethics violations, Digital agencies are reworking how they approach privacy.
What if privacy was used as how to differentiate from competitors and make a business advantage? What if privacy-focused marketing and business practices were subsequent big disrupter? Historically, businesses have gained a competitive advantage by understanding market dynamics and targeting the proper customer segments with the proper offerings. this is often now table-stakes. Python vs C sharp: Comparison of the Programming Languages.
Are you launching a development project and having a tough time choosing between Python and C#?
Don’t be concerned, we have got you covered. Python is an open-source, general-purpose programing language that powers websites like YouTube, Reddit, Pinterest, and Instagram. Tech Is Going To Beat COVID-19. The World has seen China defeating the virus through high- tech systems as mentioned above.
Now, different hospitals in Thailand have also started using “Ninja Robots” to minimize the burden of doctors and other medical workers. These black colored robots were designed for monitoring the stroke patients but due to the ongoing emergency of COVID-19, they have been specified for measuring fever in at least four hospitals of Bangkok. UVD robots are used in public spaces to kill bacteria and viruses through ultraviolet lights. These robots are playing a huge part for us by containing the disease and helping us avoid such viruses. China has taken a step even further by introducing smart helmets to their police departments. How To Be Most Productive When Working From Home.
Ideas to Promote Your Mobile App for Free - Focusteck. 204 billion mobile apps were downloaded in 2019 and therefore the app market is consistently growing.
App Design Guidelines for Better UX - Design. What do Facebook, Amazon, and Among Us have in common?
Their users wouldn’t trade these apps for the world. App development and design are all about ensuring a pleasant experience for all users. People not only want apps that actually serve a purpose on their devices but ones that are also easy to navigate. Even if the average user doesn’t intend to contribute to your app monetarily, their positive experience will add unfathomable value to your app.
App stores rank and recommend apps based on user experience and recommendations. Project Manager’s Role In Project’s Success - Focusteck. There are tons you, as a PM, can do to form sure your team is successful in delivering the merchandise you’re performing on. Taking full ownership of the timeline, budget, risks and a consulting mindset are just a few of the ideas I would like to share with you. you’ll make certain that the PM role is often as vital to a project’s success as skilled developers and insightful QAs. during this article, I will be able to share with you tips that helped us successfully deliver a working MVP for one among our clients.
Enjoy! Remember the risks. Tips To Make Your Digital Brand More Recognizable. Nowadays brands are facing high competition on the market. It’s too hard to stand out from the competition and be a pioneer – it could be a solution to get a high customer base and succeed. Being familiar is not only about unique design but also about the user experience and strategy. App Store Optimization. Try to visualize apps as the products in the Supermarket. Two things are in intense competition: the Shelf space and customer interest. However, there are no shelves in the digital store. A bottleneck exists to the discovery. How do users purchase applications that initially don’t turn up? Here is where app store optimization kicks-in. Smart owners are concentrating their attention on improving app stores to get above the fold.
There are some fundamentals of app store optimization that you need to know & master, though, before you go nuts by stuffing keywords in your product description or dreaming of ways to get your product highlighted in the app store. Books Every CX Leader Should Read In This Time Of COVID-19 - Company News. One of the positives of the life-changing impact we are all experiencing with the COVID-19 crisis is that with all the cancelations of concerts, sporting events, kid’s activities, etc., we’ve long to catch abreast of professional reading. inspect this curated reading list of books on customer experience.
From updated classics to new research into how can drive business outcomes from a CX initiative. Happy reading! React Native vs Flutter - Which one you should choose? Why Salesforce is the Best CRM - Engineering. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are numerous systems that can help businesses manage customer relationships effortlessly. How to Assess and Hire React JS Developers - Engineering. The world has witnessed a significant increase in the area of frontend web technologies which cover a variety of web applications, apps, and websites.