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Vidéo. Bibliothèque externe Processing a été développé à l'origine pour développer facilement des graphismes statiques et dynamique ainsi que de pouvoir récupérer des inputs de la souris ou du clavier. Cette réduction volontaire rend Processing simple pour débuter. Mais son architecture (Java) lui permet d'élargir ses capacités très facilement. A travers l'importation des bibliothèques (libraires en anglais) on peut communiquer à travers différents protocoles de communication avec d'autres ordinateurs (midi, osc...), exporter des graphismes sous différents formats (pdf, dxf...), travailler en 3D, intégrer du son, ou encore traiter des images vidéos et faire plein d'autres choses. Les bibliothèques de Processing Core libraires et contributions On voit sur la page de libraires qu'il y a deux sections. Importation Pour utiliser les libraires dans le sketch, il faut d'abord l'importer.

Import processing.opengl Installation des bibliothèque externes Video dans Processing Référence et littérature jump() Interactive Design – Interactions sur-mesure – Buzzing Light. Iannix. Buchstaben : Built with Processing. A small example for my MovingLetters library.Download here or browse JavaDoc. Simply extract the contens of the ZIP-file to your library/ folder of your processing installation.

This work was inspired by the nice (and unreached) typeset used in the Universe of Jonathan Harris. Update as of Version 20071118: Added new parameter to controll the amount of jiggling. Added colors. The drawn string may now contain #color; to select different colors. Source code: Buchstaben Built with Processing Return to BLOG. Vertext. DOWNLOAD Vertext (12-01-07) Vertext is... An OpenGL-enabled Processing vector font library. This enables you to draw giant, detailed typography at high frame-rates. The above image is rendered with the following code... import flux.vertext.*; import processing.opengl.*; Vertext bigFont; Vertext giantFont; PFont regularFont; void setup(){ size(1000,400, OPENGL); P5Extend.register(this); giantFont = new Vertext("TimesNewRoman", 800, 210); bigFont = new Vertext("EurostileBold", 255, 80); regularFont = createFont("Georgia-Bold", 24); } void draw(){ background(240); giantFont.text("Q", -200, 300); bigFont.text("VERTEXT", -10, 200); fill(120); noStroke(); textFont(regularFont, 24); text("not just plain 'ol pfonts", 40, 300); } Please explain...

PFonts are great for every-day hacking. However, Processing renders fonts as bitmapped sprites by default. Yuck! What if we can have just one PFont object that represents all the different typographical sizes you might need? IMPORTANT!! That's it! Ghost Hack. Libraries. The following libraries are included with the Processing software. To include a library, select its name from the "Import Library... " option in the Sketch menu. These libraries are open source; the code is distributed with Processing. Video Read images from a camera, play movie files, and create movies. DXF Export Create DXF files to save geometry for loading into other programs. Contributed Libraries must be downloaded individually. Contributed libraries are developed, documented, and maintained by members of the Processing community. Animation Ani by Benedikt Gross A lightweight library for creating animations and transitions. Compilation gicentreUtils by Jo Wood and Aidan Slingsby Assists creation of data visualization sketches.

Data GML4U by Jerome Saint-Clair A Graffiti Markup Language library for Processing. Language RiTa by Daniel C. Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction by Daniel Shiffman. Ijeomamotion. Ijeomamotion A library by Ekene Ijeoma for the Processing programming environment. Last update, 05/15/2013. A cross-mode Processing library for sketching animations with numbers, colors vectors, beziers, curves and more. Cross-mode means that it will run and export in both Processing IDE's Java and Javascript modes. It can play tweens in parallel, in a sequence or in a timeline/keyframes.

Parallels can playback Sequences and vice versa. Timelines can also playback Parallels and Sequences too. Download Download ijeomamotion version 5.5 (55) in .zip format. Installation Unzip and put the extracted ijeomamotion folder into the libraries folder of your Processing sketches. Keywords. ? Reference. Source. Tested Platform osx,windows Processing 2.0b8 Dependencies ?