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Web Designing Company, Website SEO Services, Web Development SEO. Google’s Semantic Search Changes Coming Soon…It’s What We’ve Been Saying All Along! | Mediative Blog: The Digital Results People. Google makes hundreds of changes to its algorithm every year, mostly minor, but some major, that can have a significant effect on traffic and rankings. For marketers, understanding these updates can help provide insight into the changes in ranking and traffic, as well as ways of improving search engine optimization.

In March 2012, The Wall Street Journal reported that Google’s Amit Singhal had announced the impending introduction of semantic search into the Google algorithm. The change will soon be integrated into blended search results in order to provide users with more relevant results. Simply put, semantic search is the process of trying to understand what an actual search query is trying to find out from the search terms used, and then determining what the searcher is going to find to be the most relevant information, not just a list of websites that are well optimized for SEO.

Businesses are likely to see a drop in CTRs. Semantic search is not a new concept. Smarter search engines. SEO Chat Forums. 2012 Google Algorithm Changes | Innovation Simple. The Purpose of a Search Engine By nature, we as living creatures have a lot of problems and a lot of needs. We get tired. We get hungry. We get stressed. We get fat. That’s pretty much why search engines exist. They act as gateways in finding solutions to those problems and needs. Let’s say you need new guitar strings but you’re not sure who may provide them around town.

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, etc. This world is filled with honest people who like playing by the rules. Spam exists because search engines exist. Work hard to create lasting relationships with their target markets (which results in slowly gaining high rankings for life)Pay a few offshore people to throw up a bunch of content and links throughout the Web (which results in quickly gaining high rankings for a season) High rankings are like crack cocaine. Google has become more human than ever. The tricks and short cuts of search engine optimization (SEO) are about to be thrown to the curb. We Have Evolved Related posts: Revised Google SEO Guide 2012 Edition: Big Changes in Algorithm. Everybody is buzzing all around now, how latest changes Google did affected their search traffic greatly! Chances are if you monitor your own properties on Google Analytics, you will see significant drop in your traffic in March!

1WD was seriously affected as well from March 20! Besides Google Panda release, there were 2 rounds of changes Google did, hurting almost every site search traffic: • Panda 3.3 - Search quality highlights: 40 changes for February • Panda 3.4 on March 23 - Search quality highlights: 50 changes for March So what exactly do these changes mean? In this Google SEO guide I will show you the behind the scenes on how 1WD was affected, explain how to monitor your traffic better and how to be more prepared in the future.

So what the hell is happening here? Which sites were affected, which were not? After asking around, I found out that mostly new websites ~1 year weren’t affected, but a lot of sites which had some very high-ranking keywords, felt a big decrease there. 1. 2. Advanced Web Ranking Review. Search engines can be a great traffic source for your website. Do you have an idea where your site ranks when someone plugs in your keywords into a search engine? Whether you own one website, or many, if you have one client or many, tracking positions in the search engines is key. Doing it manually works, but is boring and, as I found, does not scale.

I’ll share what I was using before Advanced Web Ranking, what the tool is, how it is sold, services it integrates with, reporting customization and brand-ability, and the reports I found most useful. You’ll also learn how to be proactively alerted should your site be impacted by any number of search engine (Google) algorithm changes. The Importance of Keyword Tracking A website can serve many purposes. How visible is it when searchers search keywords your site should be ranking for? As you invest in link building, the answers to these questions are important to track your success. The Labor of Keyword Tracking Beyond Keyword Tracking FTP. The Wrath of Google: The Duplicate Content Filter Strikes. Just when life is chugging along at an easy pace, you hit a brick wall. This was the case about two weeks ago when one of my sites ( went from number one in the search rankings to all but invisible overnight. Needless to say, I was not happy.

I was, instead, extremely confused. Google’s been cranking out notable changes to its engine for weeks now. As far as I could tell, my site was not in violation of any new policies or algorithm changes so I was puzzled. Why would a small site that had ranked extremely well for 10 years suddenly up and disappear? I checked every keyphrase I normally ranked for… no Copywriting Course site. Then I discovered something. I’ve seen changes come and go. The Things Nobody Tells You After running a “site:” command Jill discovered a lot of duplicate content associated with the site. Yet there it was in black and white. The things nobody tells you.

Leaping Into Action About a week later… poof! 1inShare. Google Panda Killed My Traffic | Google panda, SMX-Matt Cutts Panda Google Shoes—Thos003 ( Google Panda Killed My Traffic I have just been given a timely lesson by Google Panda. It has drastically cut the traffic to my websites and decimated my earnings from them. Am I wailing and be moaning Google for these changes? Well actually no I am not. Firstly Google has made changes to its algorithms that decide which websites it returns in its search results. These recent changes have been labeled by the name Google Panda.

To the average web surfer Google hopes it will greatly improve their experience by returning only quality websites with current up to date information. To the Internet marketer it now means a total re think on how to approach building websites. Let me give you a very personal example. One of my top earning websites has had the following collapse in traffic. As you can see Google Panda struck me at the end of January 2012. So what am I to conclude from this event. Where do I go from here? Google Search Changes: Symbols, Profiles, Geo Data And More.

Google continues to make changes to the way it searches the web. Every month, they release a search quality highlights post that explains the changes in more general terms. That’s better than the alternative. Previously, sourcers would just stumble upon a new feature that was rolled out and never announced. That being said, it isn’t always exactly clear how much of a change was made or how to utilize the new search function. We’ll try to pick the updates that are most applicable to sourcers and, when possible, let you know how to best utilize the new changes. First up, symbol indexing gets a change (but don’t get too excited… yet). Symbols in search Maybe the more exciting developments was the addition of symbols to the search index. Unfortunately, as Irina Shamaeva points out, this was pointed at making Twitter more easily searchable rather than assisting sourcers in better connecting e-mail addresses to skills or people. Better profile data, geographic and name searches.