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TeeFury. Texts From Last Night. Bash. <No_One> Damn my land mine collection is gone. <No_One> Also so is my shed <No_One> That's gonna be fun in the morning 15 minutes later. <No_One> Fuck afk police pulled in <Dwarf> k <Dwarf> have fun 10 minutes later. <No_One> Shiit <No_One> Someone broke into my shed <No_One> They won't do that again 3 hours later. <No_One> Can I be charged with criminal negligence even if the said deceased person used bolt cutters to access something that killed them? <%wgluv2hunt> I was in a bar Saturday night, and had a few drinks. (~roopurt) there is an article on the washington post "why is the arab world so easily offended" (~roopurt) i think it might offend the arab world (~roopurt) but really (~roopurt) one person puts up a youtube video and they riot and kill (~roopurt) the rest of world didnt come after canada after justin biebers last video <rad_ed> NOOOOOO i didn't want to do that no no no no <Sharkd> what?

<swarthy15> I'm sweating like Gary Glitter in Mothercare <Grimhound> You know. VDM. BashFR. L'actu de DTC → Commentaires Derniers ajouts (page / 691) Page suivante → <Hélène> Finalement je pense pas venir au cinéma, mais merci d'avoir proposé<Blycom> Oh non :( pourquoi ? <Hélène> Honnêtement ? <Blycom> Honnêtement ! #17622 - Votez : (+) 109 (-) 13 0 - <3 - 9 commentaires Camille: J'ai une amie qui vend un sac pour le badminton, ça t'intéresse ?

#17621 - Votez : (+) 359 (-) 78 9 - <3 - 16 commentaires <Flo> ah merde jsavais pas, pourquoi ils ont rompu ? #17620 - Votez : (+) 1005 (-) 73 4 - <3 - 14 commentaires #17619 - Votez : (+) 592 (-) 264 3 - <3 - 17 commentaires <> j'aime mes clients.. #17618 - Votez : (+) 971 (-) 104 6 - <3 - 21 commentaires <azerty> ch'ais pas comment c'est en France mais chez moi, le client est roi ! #17617 - Votez : (+) 1636 (-) 59 16 - <3 - 19 commentaires #17616 - Votez : (+) 1098 (-) 98 2 - <3 - 9 commentaires #17615 - Votez : (+) 1113 (-) 117 1 - <3 - 16 commentaires <Dowmed> Raconte !? #17614 - Votez : (+) 1193 (-) 69 4 - <3 - 13 commentaires.

Not Always Right.