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Doodling in Math Class. Stuxnet. Why Watch? Because we should challenge how we define a film. Most of the shorts featured in this column are either easy to spot as stories or completely experimental. Even when a documentary short is in the spotlight, it tells a clear tale of people doing things. This short, is none of those things. Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus is an informational film made entirely of voice over narration and motion graphics. It’s distilled knowledge about a new weapon that might be threatening a governmental computer near you, but it raises the same questions that all documentaries do. It’s beautiful, compelling, and it does tell a story, but it’s nothing like most short films. What does it cost? Check out Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus for yourself: Trust us. Real life particle animation. No such thing as a jellyfish. Largest Star Ever Discovered.