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Rio Educa. Why Curation Will Transform Education and Learning: 10 Key Reasons. There is a growing number of key trends that are both rapidly revolutionizing the world of education as we know it and opening up opportunities to review and upgrade the role and scope of many of its existing institutions, (as the likeliness that they are going to soon become obsolete and unsustainable, is right in front of anyone's eyes).

Why Curation Will Transform Education and Learning: 10 Key Reasons

George Siemens, in his recent Open Letter to Canadian Universities, sums them up well: 1) An Overwhelming Abundance of Information Which Begs To Be OrganizedThe goal is not (and probably it never was) to learn or memorize all of the information available out there. It's just too much even if we focus only on the very essence of it.

The goal is to learn how to learn, to know where to look for something and to be able to identify which parts of all the information available are most relevant to learn or achieve a certain goal or objective.This is why new digital literacy skills are of such great importance. From the New York Times: "...Mr. Future of Education: Breaking The Connection Between Learning and Assessment - Epic 2020. It is the best of times.

Future of Education: Breaking The Connection Between Learning and Assessment - Epic 2020

It is the worst of times. Let's find out.