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Emergence Emerges. How to self-organize without requiring a blowhard. Emergence is a phenomenon, or more properly one of several phenomena, that is still debated. It is something that results from a collection of smaller units, that cannot be predicted from observation of the smaller units. Like the conical shape of a pile of sand, for example. from observing grains of sand, one wouldn’t be able to predict the regular conical form that it assumes when piled, and when that pile increases. Regardless of the size of the pile of sand, the angle of its sides remain constant. (although whether any given phenonmenon is considered emergent or not is yet debated between and among philosophers, scientists and dilettants). This behaviour extends to atoms and molecules, molecules and matter, and of course, cities, life and the mind. I like to think of it as a form of synergy, where the resulting collection is greater than the sum of its parts.

Multicellular computing: emergent phenomena in nature Emegence of the Slime. O mundo codificado: por uma filosofia do design e da comunicação - Vilém Flusser. Emergence – Part 3 | Power Up Project. Once before, at a time of great change – the Ending of the Ice Age – Mankind used Emergence to not only come through but to take a new place on the planet. Don’t we face the same kind of challenge today? Is not Emergence our best chance? We have so little time that if we are to face our challenges directly and use Emergence as a process, that we have to know what to do. We have to know the science and hence the predictable rules?

Because we know the rules for electromagnetism, we can use them to change our world. My bet is that we we know the rules for how best to use the social energy of people, amplified by social media, we may change the world even more than when we first amplified our group potential when we acquired complex language. Then we created consciousness. We were able to discuss novelty into being – the very essence of Emergence. What might happen, if we can expand our circle from face to face to a global conversation but with the same intimacy? Now we come to the hard part. Emergent Phenomena in Nature. Nature offers many familiar examples of emergence, and the Internet is creating more. The following examples of emergent systems in nature illustrate the kinds of feedback between individual elements of natural systems that give rise to surprising ordered behavior. They also illustrate a clear trade off between the number of elements involved in the emergent system and the complexity of their individual interactions.

The more complex the interactions between elements, the fewer elements are needed for a higher-level phenomenon to emerge. Hurricanes and sand dunes form from vast numbers of very simple elements whereas even small groups of birds can exhibit flocking behavior. What is the lesson for multicellular computing? It behooves us to better understand emergence in complex dynamic systems. Hurricanes Hurricanes emerge from mutual positive feedback between wind, humidity, evaporation of sufficiently warm ocean surface waters and Coriolis effects.

Sand Dunes Flocks of birds Termite Mounds. Top Stories | Metanexus. 50-Clayton-chap50 851..871 - Ursula Goodenough- The Sacred Emergence of Nature.pdf. The Synergism Hypothesis. The Synergism Hypothesis On the Concept of Synergy and It's Role in the Evolution of Complex Systems Peter A. Corning, Ph.D. Institute for the Study of Complex Systems 119 Bryant Street, Suite 212 Palo Alto, CA 94301 USA Phone: (650) 325-5717 Fax: (650) 325-3775 Email: "Generalizations derived from a juxtaposition of facts are not fruitful unless some conceptual, theoretical scheme guided the generalizations and, incidentally, the selection of facts... " Anatol Rapoport "Experiments unguided by an appropriate theoretical framework usually amount to little more than ‘watching the pot boil'...

John H. It is one of the paradoxes of our age that as the tools of scientific research have grown ever more powerful -- from positron emission tomography to electron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and massively parallel computers -- the phenomena we are able to investigate (and their causal dynamics) seem to grow ever more complex. Scientific Discipline Associated Terminology.

Tensegrity - home. The Meaning of Emergent Urbanism, after A New Kind of Science | Emergent Urbanism. It’s Been 10 Years: What’s Happened with A New Kind of Science? May 7, 2012 (This is the first of a series of posts related to next week’s tenth anniversary of A New Kind of Science.) On May 14, 2012, it’ll be 10 years since A New Kind of Science (“the NKS book”) was published.

After 20 years of research, and nearly 11 years writing the book, I’d taken most things about as far as I could at that time. And so when the book was finished, I mainly launched myself back into technology development. And inspired by my work on the NKS book, I’m happy to say that I’ve had a very fruitful decade (Mathematica reinvented, CDF, Wolfram|Alpha, etc.). I’ve been doing little bits of NKS-oriented science here and there (notably at our annual Summer School). But mostly I’ve been busy with other things. A place to start is the academic literature, where there’s now an average of slightly over one new paper per day published citing the NKS book—with that number steadily increasing. And looking through the list of papers my main response is “Wow—so much stuff”.