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Just Advanced JavaScript. Advanced JavaScript Tutorial - Lesson 1. Hello, and welcome to the Advanced JavaScript Tutorial, where I finish off what I started in the basic JavaScript Tutorial. In the second installment – This Time We Mean It – I’ll be covering the finer points of JavaScript that I passed over back in Part I.

I’ll also introduce you to some of the fancier aspects of JavaScript and the tips and lowdown that will allow you to build real multimedia applications. As we head into the JavaScript nitty-gritty, I’m going to assume that you’ve covered the following: Assigning values to variables If-then statements For and while loops Writing your own functions Opening and manipulating windows Reading and writing to HTML forms Using arrays Conducting image swaps Any of these sound unfamiliar? The Five-Day Lesson Plan Back in Part I, we covered the heart of JavaScript:most of the important syntax and many of the most commonly used objects.

Day 1 Introductions and the tying up of a few loose ends. Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 An If-Then-Else Shortcut. Non-blocking JavaScript Downloads - YUI Blog - Light. External JavaScript files block downloads and hurt your page performance, but there is an easy way to work around this problem: use dynamic scripts tags and load scripts in parallel, improving the page loading speed and the user experience. The problem: scripts block downloads Let’s first take a look at what the problem is with the script downloads. The thing is that before fully downloading and parsing a script, the browser can’t tell what’s in it. It may contain document.write() calls which modify the DOM tree or it may even contain location.href and send the user to a whole new page. If that happens, any components downloaded from the previous page may never be needed. In order to avoid potentially useless downloads, browsers first download, parse and execute each script before moving on with the queue of other components waiting to be downloaded.

Here’s how the timeline looks like when downloading a slow JavaScript file (exaggerated to take 1 second). As Yahoo!’ Non-blocking scripts. 6 Advanced JavaScript Techniques You Should Know. By Louis Lazaris There have been a number of articles published over the years that discuss best practices techniques for JavaScript. I thought I would go a little bit beyond the scope of those articles and outline a number of advanced techniques and practices that I have personally used or read about that could be invaluable in certain circumstances.

This article doesn’t necessarily cover every detail of the methods I’m describing, but provides an overview, along with code examples, of some practical JavaScript coding techniques. 1. Closures to Extend Variable Scope Closures in JavaScript are a fairly straightforward concept, and have been discussed online in a number of in-depth articles. The fact that they are straightforward doesn’t necessarily mean they’re simple however, as seen by the extensive articles that cover the subject. Simply put, closures allow variable scope to be extended past the common scope restrictions of functions. Further Reading 2. 3. Further Reading: 4. 5. 6. JavaScript Advanced Objects - DoFactory. Unlike many other languages, JavaScript does not support namespaces. Namespaces are important because they help reduce the number of identifiers for variables, objects, and functions that are added to the global scope in your application.

JavaScript is a flexible language and there are ways to work around this limitation and implement your own namespaces. First, let's explore the need for namespaces a bit more. In JavaScript, all the code shares a single global namespace which is simply a single global object that holds all global variables and functions as properties. Var num = 5;var obj = {};var str = "Good morning";function sum(x, y){ total = x + y; return total;} numr = sum(4,3); Anything that is not properly declared, such as undeclared function variables, also ends up on the global object.

Suppose that your web app includes a third party JavaScript library that creates beautifully animated buttons. Name collisions can be a significant problem in JavaScript. Code Avengers: learn to code games, apps and websites - Light. Learning Advanced JavaScript - Light.

Advanced JavaScript. (Learn Intermediate and Advanced JavaScript Concepts and Techniques in 2 Weeks) Prerequisite: You have completed this course: Learn JavaScript Properly (For NON-JavaScript programmers and First-time Programmers) Or you already know the following JavaScript concepts well: — Simple Data Types, Reference Types, Operators, and Objects (in Detail) — Variable Scope and Hoisting, Expressions, Statements, and JSON — DOM, The Window Object, JavaScript Events, and Handling Errors — Functions, Function Properties, Function Expression, and AJAX — Basic Regular Expressions and Modules Duration: 2 Weeks I submit to you an instructive course on intermediate and advanced JavaScript. The skills you will learn in this course of study will free you from the constrains of using the limited JS techniques you have been using to develop JS applications, and they will give you new insights and new techniques—a Jedi’s temperament and stature—to program JS applications with ease, efficiency, and preciseness.

JavascriptTips - jslibs - JavaScript language advanced tips and tricks - standalone JavaScript development runtime environment with general purpose native libraries. Advanced JavaScript.