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Bit - Exhibition. With the present exhibition the ZKM | Karlsruhe dedicates itself to the most important international artistic currents of the 1960s, the New Tendencies, and their significance for the history of computer-based art.

bit - Exhibition

In 1968 the movement decided to incorporate into its program the computer as a medium of artistic work so as to thereby assert its avantgarde claim and to contribute to the definition of a technology which, as one quite rightly presumed, would define the future of civilization. Commencing with an exhibition of Concrete and Constructive Art, Nove tendencije, in Zagreb, in 1961, the New Tendencies rapidly developed into a dynamic movement dedicated to 'visual research'. Around the mid 1960s, the New Tendencies triggered an international Op-Art-Boom, which was endorsed by participation in an exhibition entitled The Responsive Eye, at the New York MoMA, in 1965. Comment internet modifie notre cerveau - Société. "Mon vieux cerveau me manque.

Comment internet modifie notre cerveau - Société

" Nicholas Carr, 52 ans, essayiste américain, n'a rien d'un réac allergique au web. Les nouvelles technologies, au contraire, c'est sa spécialité. Entre son blog, son Twitter, son Facebook, Carr était même un accro. Pourtant, en 2007, "le serpent du doute s'est inséré dans [son] éden numérique".

Carr avait l'impression désagréable que "quelqu'un ou quelque chose bricolait (...) son cerveau ".