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About the Project. Aims The Global Detention Project (GDP) is an inter-disciplinary research initiative that investigates the role detention plays in states’ responses to global migration, with a special focus on the policies and physical infrastructures of detention. The project is based at the Graduate Institute’s Global Migration Centre and has received financial support from the Open Society Foundations, Zennstrom Philanthropies, the Swiss Network for International Studies, and the Geneva International Academic Network. Migration-related detention is the practice of detaining—typically on administrative (as opposed to criminal) grounds—asylum seekers and irregular immigrants until they can be deported, their identities established, or their claims adjudicated. Project researchers also assess the legal frameworks of this practice, in both international and domestic law.

Transcribe - free online tool to help with transcription of interviews and audio clips. Transcribe offers a writing environment that is tightly integrated with an audio player, helping you transcribe audio in a single screen without having to constantly switch between a media-player and a text editor. To transcribe an audio file: Click on "Choose File" to select the audio recording you wish to transcribe - we support the following file formats: mp3, mp4, m4a, amr, wma and wav. An audio player will open up. You can control the playback of the audio file using these handy shortcuts (Mac users: switch F1-F11 keys to function as standard function keys): Esc: pause/resume F1: slow down F2: speed up F3: rewind 2 seconds F4: forward 2 seconds F6: insert timestamp Start typing along. Transcribe will auto-save every keystroke.

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Divpol. MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales) BIODIVMEX : Journée de restitution et de prospective La remarquable biodiversité du bassin méditerranéen : paradoxe ou intox ? Journée de restitution des Projets BIODIVMEX-MISTRALS 2013 Le 17 avril 2014, Amphithéâtre CHARVE, Campus Saint Charles 3, place Victor Hugo, 13331 Marseille Cedex 03 9h30-17h30 Inscription obligatoire jusqu’au 4 avril auprès de Thierry Gauquelin ( PROGRAMME 9h30. Accueil 9h45. Conférence Pr. Lire la suite FILM en streaming sur HyMex, MISTRALS HyMex (HYdrological cycle in Mediterranean EXperiment) est un programme international de recherche pluridisciplinaire lancé en 2010 dont l’objectif est l’observation et la compréhension des différentes composantes du cycle de l’eau sur le pourtour du bassin méditerranéen.

Lire la suite CNES : Appel à propositions de recherche scientifique Chaque année, le CNES fait appel aux laboratoires scientifiques entre février et avril pour faire des propositions de recherche scientifique pour l’année suivante. Literature List: How to organize a scientific work. Home.

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Portada. MigrationRecherche. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.