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Acrobat JavaScript, Introduction to Acrobat JavaScript, Acrobat JavaScript Scripting Guide. Adobe Creative Suite Tutorials and Reviews for Photographers, Designers, Illustrators and Developers | Layers Magazine. 40 Cool Abstract and Background Photoshop Tutorials. Attractive backgrounds to any graphics, banners or ads are relatively important. Getting the correct theme, whether it’s an abstract art, vector, or texture pattern, it somehow makes the entire artwork looks more interesting. Some might not have noticed the great roles background images have played. For instance, forumites uses cool design background before messages in their forum signatures; some product graphic advertisements uses light subtle background to help create focus point; your website and desktop need nice backdrops too.

Sometimes when I get a little limited by the amount of content I can insert onto an ad design, I’ll paint a light background behind it so the entire creative don’t look so empty. Here’s 40 really nice abstract and background design Photoshop tutorials you might want to take a look at. Looking for more photoshop tutorials? Abstract Signature Learn how to create a detailed signature using several filters and effects. Abstract Walkthrough Abstract Light Rays. Tutorial Wow to Make Wine Glass With Adobe Illustrator | Petshopbox Studio Blog. Tutorial How to Make Wine Glass With Adobe Illustrator In this tutorial we will guide you how to make a wine glass using simple with Adobe Illustrator using several Filters and Appearance. This tutorial is suitable for beginner and intermediate. Step 1 Starting Out Create new document 500 x 500 pixels, with RGB color, and make sure “Align New Object to Pixel Grid” in Advance option is turned off. Lets start with the top part of the glass first as starting point.

Draw a cricle with width 180px, hieght 28px. Step 2 Make the curves Lets create the glass shape, Pen Tool to create the left side like the image below. Step 3, Bottom Base Create another circle for the bottom base, make it a bit bigger than top part circle. Step 4, Connect the Curve Select the path from step 2, drag the path to the right while pressing Alt/Option key, it will duplicate the path. To connect the both path, choose again Pen Tool.

Now, you have connected the top point. We have finished joining two paths into one object. Adobe Illustrator and vector tutorials, from beginner to advanced. Adobe Photoshop Tutorials from Beginner to Advanced.