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Exemples d'utilisation de Dbpedia. Modeling your data with DBpedia vocabularies. I've known for a while about ways to dig into the vocabularies used in DBpedia's massive collection of triples, and I've used terms from these vocabularies to query for information such as Bart Simpson blackboard messages and US presidents' ages at inauguration.

Modeling your data with DBpedia vocabularies

I saw these terms as "field" names to use when querying this body of data. Reading the W3C RDFa spec recently, though, I was struck by one example: <div about=" property="foaf:name">Albert Einstein</span><span property="dbp:dateOfBirth" datatype="xsd:date">1879-03-14</span><div rel="dbp:birthPlace" resource=" property="dbp:conventionalLongName">Federal Republic of Germany </span></div></div> This particular example demonstrates how to chain statements together with shared resource references, but what caught my eye was the use of the namespace to reference Albert Einstein and Germany and the namespace (here represented as "dbp:") for the factual property "birthPlace".