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Dave's wiki / Biaxial fiberglass notes. Woven cloth weaves bundles of fibers over and under one another. This is the same weave you typically see if in a table cloth, or wicker basket. Biaxial fiberglass is laid down straight, with no tight weave. On the other hand, a woven cloth relies on fibers that weave over and under each other, creating crimps that tend to be fracture points in the fibers, and in the case that they do not fracture, they will stretch far more as the loaded fibers seek straighten out.

It's also import to note that in all hull laminates where biaxial is allowed, Winner uses a 100% biaxial cloth. The straight, flat paths of fiber bundles in biaxial leads to greater strength and stiffness. By putting down straight, flat fibers, directly in line with loading forces, the fibers will resist stretching and breaking immediately and with 100% of their strength. By contrast, the crimping of the fiber bundles in woven cloth leads to stress differentials in the fiber bundles and a lower overall strength. Joints. It? Anatomy of the Spine. q7632631.jpg (JPEG-bilde, 648x778 punkter) Lumbar_anatomy02.jpg (JPEG-bilde, 336x400 punkter) OSH Answers: Ergonomic Chair.

What is an ergonomic chair? Finding the right "ergonomic" chair is a common problem especially for people who want to purchase new equipment to make workstations safer and healthier places. There are many "ergonomic" chairs available but it can be a mistake to purchase one simply because it is labelled "ergonomic". Ergonomic chairs are designed to suit a range of people; however, there is no guarantee that they will suit any one person in particular. For example, a chair could be too high and the arm rests too far apart for a short, slim person. Ergonomic Chair Why is finding the right chair so important?

Today, in industrialized countries, many people sit for most of the time that they are awake. What do you need to know about selecting a good ergonomic chair? The selection of a suitable chair is a critical step in preventing health problems in people who work in a sitting position. Several basic concepts should be considered: One chair does not fit everyone. Other features to consider. – Sykkelstativ er løsningen. Det mener i hvert fall entusiastene i det nystartede Fredrikstad Sykkelforum. – Vi er alle glade i sykling, og nå skal vi få enda flere til å bli det også, nærmest jublet Rolf Petter Heidenstrøm fra kommunens avdeling for bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling. Holdninger Han og resten av kommunen inviterte rundt 20 aktører til sykkelforumets første samling i dag. – Her skal vi få innspill til hva folk i byen vil ha på sykkelfronten. Vi skal dele kunnskap, og inspirere hverandre, forklarte Anne Skauen, prosjektmedarbeider i kommunens «Fremtidens byer». – Men vi har veldig lite penger til sykkelprosjekter.

Derfor må vi først og fremst jobbe med holdninger. Tilrettelegging Midler til store sykkelprosjekter kommer nemlig tidligst i 2016, gjennom inntekter fra bomringen. Flere på banen Og der kan arbeidsgiverne bidra, mente kommunens Trine Nygård. Sykkelinspektører – Deres holdninger må det også jobbes med. Elisabeth Bechmann fra Statens vegvesen delte Aurvangs bekymring for syklistenes sikkerhet. PIT IN (plywood) Whereuwork. Fronter. Førstesiden.