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"From 1994" Short Film. Address Is Approximate. Zero Gravity on Devour. V-Necks on Devour. Human Flight on Devour. Sky Fighters - Into The Fire. The Great Office War. Bone Pugz on Devour. 1973 called, laughed at us, and said we don't have a clue how to dance anymore. Guy On A Buffalo - Episode 1 (Bears, Indians & Such) Angel Island on Devour. 【BadApple!!】傷林果 【ShouRinka】 Snuff Box - Boyfriend sketches. The Great Dictator. Double Farvel. Funniest Videos, Music Videos, Netflix & UFC Results. Bring Back The NBA. ‪Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around the World‬‏ LOOM | POLYNOID. Loom tells the story of a successful catch. A moth being caught in a spiders web. Struggling for an escape, the moths panic movements only result in less chance of survival.

What follows is the type of causality everyones expecting. The spider appears, claims its prey and feeds on it. Loom is the newest brainchild in our short film family, and the most ambitious project we tackled so far. Styleframe by Csaba Letay. Defqon.1 Festival 2011 - Endshow + Fireworks‬‏ Watch. The Epic Lemons -- Portal 2 Typography. Jacques: The Sports Issue Trailer, 'Squash' Killed Myself When I Was Young. 8 Year Old Jonny Mizzone - Flint Hill Special - Sleepy Man Banjo Boys. Crash Test Kitties – This Shouldn’t be Funny.. But it is! | Entertainment-Gossip - Celebrity Entertainment News & Gossip! Cats in Tanks. Four-Handed Bad Romance on Devour. Pagani Zonda R - Nurburgring lap. How the KKK got beat by 1 black guy.

Little Superstar" Epic Dubstep! The Chronicles of Rick Roll - Official Trailer. Fight For Your Right - Revisited. Giant Stinson Beach Bubbles in Slow-mo (Canon 550D) Cows & cows & cows. Tune for Two (2011) Iron Maiden-The Trooper(Bossa Nova Version) Untitled. The Aurora. Sorry I'm Late. SHELTER. You won't believe it, but this video is entirely CG. Moogaloop.swf?clip_id=17150524&server=vimeo.

It's crazy how a simple mirror filter can transform a video into something else. Zelda 25th Anniversary Amazing Artwork - Making of. Timescapes Timelapse. Movie-Do Motivational Training Reel. Mini-Deadmau5. Science Saved My Soul. Street Acrobats - Union Square, New York City. The Frontier Is Everywhere. Sky Fighters on Devour. Sonar. How to drink whisky - Master Blender Richard Paterson shows David Hayman how to drink blends. Sexy Micro Bikini Models - Radiolab and NPR Present Words. Giant Stinson Beach Bubbles (Canon 550D) Fast Lane - The Shopping Carts.

Fuck_anime_399595. Prague Astronomical Clock - 600th Anniversary Show. Parallel Lines - The Gift.mkv. Gear's heart. Freediving World Record - 88m without fins. OUT OF TIME. The Most Awesome Waste of Time - Milk Crate Sea Dragon. Jesus 2000. Worlds biggest wave ever surfed. Warlord. 20 Astonishing Tilt-Shift Videos. I’m sure you have seen some amazing tilt-shift photos – if not, tilt-shift creates an effect that turns normal sized objects or scenes into miniature-like. It is done by special tilt-shift lenses that have very limited depth of field.

To start playing with this technique you need to buy a tilt-shift lens, attach to your dSLR camera and start shooting. In this post we wanted to feature some of the best videos applying this technique. To make such amazing pieces you can see below, just take your time lapse tilt-shift photos and create video using some video editing software (it is most popular technique) . Check out our Fake Tilt-shift Photoshop Tutorial! Astonishing Tilt-Shift Videos: The Sandpit from Sam O’Hare. gottardo nord from fb1 visuals. Small Life in Saxon Switzerland from Christoph Schaarschmidt. 5 Quick Tips to Create Tilt-Shift Time Lapse Videos: 1) Get some tilt-shift lens (we assume you have the camera). Toy Soldiers from Alta Media Productions. Seascapes 2009 from robi vincze.