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The Language of Nature. Nature presents itself in patterns and patterns are the natural way for human beings to interpret the world.

The Language of Nature

Facts and figures are difficult to grasp and more so to remember. We may not remember that Christopher Columbus was born in 1451, but we remember that in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. It is not the number we remember, it is the singsong rhyme. How many feet are in a mile? Permaculture design course. Permaculture. Sun position chart, solar path diagram, solar angle declination zenith, hour sunrise sunset noon, time of day daylight, sun diagram generator, every location earth.

Home > Solar tools > Sun Position Insert this map tool in your site Back to top Content | Data + Map | Chart Polar | Chart Cartesian | Table | Annual sun path | shadow | download PDF Annual sun path.

Sun position chart, solar path diagram, solar angle declination zenith, hour sunrise sunset noon, time of day daylight, sun diagram generator, every location earth.

Permaculture. Growing Food.