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Quand le Cac 40 met du social dans ses profits. Product Red. Susan Smith Ellis was appointed to the position of CEO in June 2007.[3] The Global Fund[edit] Created in 2002, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria supports large-scale prevention, treatment and care programs for these three infectious diseases.[4] Today, a quarter of all international funding for HIV/AIDS-related programs, over half for tuberculosis, and almost three-quarters for malaria worldwide comes from The Global Fund.

Product Red

[citation needed] The concept of “performance-based funding” is central to the organization and only those grant recipients who can demonstrate measurable and effective results from the monies received will be able to receive additional financing.[5] 100% of the funds generated by Red partners and events goes to Global Fund programs that provide medical care and support services for people affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. No overhead is taken by either Red or the Global Fund. Products[edit]

Six Strategies for Partnering with Big Brands. TerraCycle Founder Tom Szaky Photo courtesy of Christopher Crane Tom Szaky didn't even try to get his product--a worm excrement fertilizer packed in a recycled bottle--into small retailers when he started TerraCycle six years ago.

Six Strategies for Partnering with Big Brands
