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FlexC is a one-stop shop which leverages AI for FlexC-Enteprises to hire and manage their flexible workforce (including freelancers, interns, contractual work, etc). The platform provides access to Best-in-class Indian talent called FlexCpreneurs (freelancers) which includes individual consultants and agencies to satisfy hiring demand and execute projects. It's time for organizations to be agile and leverage consulting talent for efficient work solutions at efficient costs.

Hybrid Workforce - FlexC. Hybrid Workforce - FlexC. 5 Ways AI Will Help HR Sustain Their Hybrid Workforce - FlexC. Hybrid Workforce - FlexC. Talent Marketplace Platform - FlexC.pdf. Talent Marketplace Platform - FlexC. Talent Marketplace Platform. Talent Marketplace Platform. Talent Marketplace platform. AI Powered Talent Marketplace Platform. Talent Marketplace platform. The future of work - from remote to hybrid. Mumbai: In the last one and half years, a lot of things have changed.

The future of work - from remote to hybrid

We have a new experience to share on how the pandemic has altered our lives. And one of the biggest changes is how actively work-from-home has become a huge part of our lives, and transitioned the culture not only in India but across the globe. 2020 is counted as the year of remote work, and the trend continues in 2021 compelling us to rethink our traditional work models. However, the start of this trend was not that smooth. In the corporate world it caused issues but slowly and steadily it became a part of daily routine. As businesses struggle to become fully operational, the concept of a "hybrid workplace" has provided a light for dealing with the problem. Best Freelancing Website in India.