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How truck drivers can stay healthy on the road. Eat, sleep, drive, repeat… It’s not easy staying healthy as a truck driver.

How truck drivers can stay healthy on the road

Everyone knows it’s a demanding, stressful job. You can be away from home for long periods, it’s largely a sedentary job, the work can be monotonous, and you often rely on a combination of caffeine and junk food to find the energy for the next 100 miles. However, there are some simple tips that can help truck drivers stay healthy, feel good and have the energy to take on whatever the job throws at them. Here are three truck driver health tips to get you started. 1 Make sure you get enough sleep Now, I know what you’re about to say. But the truth is, a lot of this comes down to caffeine. It’s also worth steering clear of spicy foods, nicotine, booze and prolonged light from a TV or electronics about two to three hours before you hit the sack. 2 Truck drivers can eat well, you know Luckily, we live in a world where convenience is king.

Covid-19 hits commercial vehicle production worldwide - Fleet Speak. Recent analysis by IHS Markit, the production of commercial vehicles globally is down 22% to 2.6 million units compared to 2019.

Covid-19 hits commercial vehicle production worldwide - Fleet Speak

The impact of Covid-19 means that the industry may have to wait until 2022 before production figures return to the levels seen pre-coronavirus. IHS Markit offered insight into some of the key markets. Europe With its strict lockdown, plant closures, supply chain challenges and workplace controls, Europe has been at the centre of the impact on the vehicle industry. IHS Markit predicts a drop of 14% in European commercial vehicle production. China Shutdowns across China meant truck manufacturers saw more than 80,000 units of lost production. Safer roads mean retaining experienced truck drivers - Fleet Speak. Over-regulation of the industry is often cited as one of the reasons so many truck drivers choose to leave.

Safer roads mean retaining experienced truck drivers - Fleet Speak

While no-one would argue that safety is a key concern for the industry, so too is the need to keep experienced drivers in the driving seat. The loss of experienced truck drivers is a real headache for everyone involved. The industry clearly has a retention problem, but perhaps we could keep hold of experienced drivers if we focused on smarter regulations and better pay. Earlier this year, the Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Risk Based on Age and Driving Experience study was published concluding that the experience of a driver has the greatest impact on the risk of crashes or driving violations. According to the study, experience has a bigger impact on safety than age. EU trucking market set for €63 billion coronavirus loss - Fleet Speak.

A new report suggests that revenue from road freight in Europe could drop by as much as €63 billion in 2020 as a result of the impact of coronavirus.

EU trucking market set for €63 billion coronavirus loss - Fleet Speak

According to findings by the report from the International Road Transport Union (IRU) – COVID-19 Impacts on the Road Transport Industry – the pandemic could mean the demise of many trucking companies across the continent. For many that’s a big worry, as the fear is those bankruptcies will negatively impact the movement of people and goods in the long term. Others are trying to focus on the positives. With the European freight industry being so fragmented, the impact of those closures is unlikely to create new competition or change the dynamics too severely.

And there’s more good news. . €63 billion is a huge figure, however you look at it. Will we recognise the trucking industry in a decade? Trucking, like many industries, has been changing for some time.

Will we recognise the trucking industry in a decade?

The industry has grown considerably over the years. How fleet managers can look after their truck drivers’ health and wellbeing - Fleet Speak. Trucking can be a pressurised environment at the best of times.

How fleet managers can look after their truck drivers’ health and wellbeing - Fleet Speak

Add a global pandemic like we’ve seen with Covid-19, and that pressure keeps on rising. Now more than ever, fleet managers need to do everything they can to ensure the health and wellbeing of their truck drivers. It’s a tricky balance. A fuel calculator to check your vehicle's fuel economy. Ways To Introduce Tips For Truck Drivers’ Health. Government announces suspension of HGV levy - Fleet Speak. If your haulage firm has been hard hit by the Covid crisis, you’ll be relieved to know that a little help is at hand.

Government announces suspension of HGV levy - Fleet Speak

The Government has announced that the HGV Levy for UK-based and foreign trucks will be suspended for 12 months from 1 August 2020, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK reports. This will reduce the bills of around 100,000 UK-based operators, as well as those of European hauliers coming to the UK. In a statement to industry, a Government spokesperson said: “The haulage industry is critical to keeping the country moving and plays a key role in supporting our economy recovery and growth. The Life Of A Euro Trucker Is Not Just Simple.

“Logistics remains vital” to rebuilding the economy - Fleet Speak. Lockdown is easing and non-essential shops are re-opening – but what does all this mean for lorry drivers and the road freight sector?

“Logistics remains vital” to rebuilding the economy - Fleet Speak

At the beginning of the lockdown period, the Government introduced temporary emergency regulations to keep supply chains moving throughout the Coronavirus crisis. This included relaxing the regulations around the number of hours drivers can legally work. As of Monday 15 June, that relaxation has ended, and the usual GB and EU rules around drivers’ hours have been restored. Delivery hours extension Another regulation introduced at the beginning of lockdown concerned extending delivery times. “With ‘non-essential retail’ units permitted to open next week, we expect to see demand for products increase significantly; continued flexible delivery hours will allow logistics businesses to stock shops safely and efficiently while keeping up with demand. Could biomethane cut your fuel costs? - Fleet Speak.

Are you keen to save on fuel costs for your truck fleet?

Could biomethane cut your fuel costs? - Fleet Speak

Then switching from diesel to biomethane could be the answer you’re looking for, according to a new campaign. The Gas Vehicle Network (GVN) has produced a short video that claims that switching could halve fleets’ fuel costs and bring huge environmental benefits. It comes as the John Lewis Partnership, which includes Waitrose, announced it is building a biomethane gas filling station at its Bracknell head office. The retail giant aims to stop using fossil fuels across its transport fleet by 2030. Renewable energy The GVN’s head of external affairs, Isaac Occhipinti, said: “There is so much information out there for fleet operators to trawl through, and the decarbonisation landscape can be overwhelming. Covid-19: how vaccine transportation could be the next challenge for fleets - Fleet Speak. You’ve heard all about the Herculean efforts by the world’s top scientists to develop a vaccine for Coronavirus.

Covid-19: how vaccine transportation could be the next challenge for fleets - Fleet Speak

But what about further down the line: transporting the finished product from pharmaceutical factories to clinics around the world? The process of manufacturing, packaging, and distributing the Coronavirus vaccine has been called “the biggest logistical challenge the world has ever faced”. And commercial vehicles – particularly refrigerated trucks – will have a crucial role to play. Excitingly, the UK could well become a global hub for this activity. While there are around 120 vaccines in development around the world, two of the most promising candidates are from Oxford University and Imperial College, London. Of course, we don’t yet know exactly what will be required from the logistics sector. Your listings - Fleet Speak. Free live mental health session this Friday 3rd with Mental Health Solutions - Fleet Speak. Lockdown is easing and things are slowly getting back to normal. But how bad has our mental health been affected during this pandemic? Last month, we announced that, as part of our #LoveLogistics campaign, we partnered with Mental Health Solutions for online mental health sessions.

We’re excited to launch our first 1-hr session this Friday (3 July) at 2:30 pm which will cover tips and tricks for the trucking community on how to best cope with mental health. Colin Symington – Bailey , the Mental Health Solutions consultant, will discuss the following topics: – Mental health statistics – in relation to the workplace – Stigma and discrimination – Stress and burnout – Managing anxiety.

Gearmate joins #LoveLogistics and develops ventilators to assists the COVID-19 crisis - Fleet Speak. By We are all living through unprecedented times, the global pandemic is turning people’s lives upside down. Biggest Issues Trucking Industry in the UK is Facing Due to Covid-19 Pandemic. Covid-19 has created a complete mess throughout the globe. Almost every country is suffering from this disastrous situation, including the UK. Many businesses are facing critical issues like never before.

The global industries are going shut due to this pandemic. The trucking industry in the UK also faces many problems due to this coronavirus. The shortage of transportation has resulted in numerous foods, goods, and services issues. #LoveLogistics Archives - Fleet Speak. Drivers given automatic licence extension to ‘keep Britain moving’ - Fleet Speak. The UK government has moved to clear up the issue surrounding drivers whose vocational licences are set to expire during 2020. Not watching trucking YouTubers? Here’s why you should - Fleet Speak.

Everybody knows YouTube. Perhaps you use it to watch the latest music videos or whittle away the hours bouncing from one humorous clip to the next. But, have you ever thought about checking out some trucking YouTubers? You might have assumed only young folk watch YouTubers. But you’d be wrong. Heavy Duty Truck Driver Jobs. Advice for women wanting to drive a truck for a living - Fleet Speak. There’s no point trying to dress it up: trucking used to be a man’s game. But, thankfully, things are starting to change. It’s not before time. Nieużywane ciężarówki ryzykują wysokimi rachunkami za naprawy. W związku z tym, że pojazdy ciężarowe przez brak pracy są zmuszone do pozostawiania na parkingach, co spowodowane jest z kolei ograniczeniami wprowadzonymi w celu opanowania pandemii koronaawirusa, przedsiębiorstwa przewozowe uprzedziły o możliwości ponoszenia wysokich rachunków za naprawę w momencie przywrócenia tych pojazdów do użytku.

Producent opon Michelin uważa, że należy przygotować pojazdy do dłuższego postoju, a w szczególności opony, które nie są „zaprojektowane tak, aby utrzymać ciężar zaparkowanej ciężarówki lub naczepy przez nieograniczony czas” – informuje The Truck Expert. Rob Blurton, najstarszy specjalista ds. technicznych Michelin w Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii, mówi, że ważne jest, aby przewoźnicy postępowali zgodnie z wytycznymi, co pozwoli na szybki powrót pojazdów do normalnego funkcjonowania, bez konieczności niepotrzebnej wymiany opon. W przypadku montażu w układzie bliźniaczym również powinien on zostać zdemontowany i sprawdzony.

Lack of routine medical testing could force drivers off the road - Fleet Speak. In het licht van een wereldwijde crisis moeten vrachtwagenchauffeurs blijven vervoeren - Fleet Speak. Hoewel veel bedrijven hun kantoor sluiten en werknemers vragen om thuis te werken, werkt dat niet bij alle banen zo. Bij het besturen van een vrachtwagen bijvoorbeeld. Vrachtwagenchauffeurs spelen een cruciale rol bij het krijgen van medische benodigdheden, boodschappen en toiletrollen waar ze moeten zijn. Smart Trucks Magazine. About Fleet Speak - Fleet Speak. Turmeric for Depression & Anxiety: Is Curcumin a Good Antidepressant? - Lyfe Botanicals. The prestigious Curcuma longa root is one of the most beneficial medicinal herbs of our time. This member of the ginger family contains turmeric, a robust rhizome with numerous healing properties.

Widely used in southern Thai and Indian cuisine, turmeric is now getting recognition as more than just a kitchen spice. But, does turmeric help with depression, anxiety, and stress relief? Turmeric for Depression and Anxiety Turmeric’s versatility as an Ayurvedic herb has shown promise for many ailments, including arthritis, weight loss, and inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Recent studies on the benefits of turmeric allude to the possibility that it may also serve as a complementary treatment to several neurological disorders.

We’ve also seen evidence suggesting that turmeric can help stabilize mood and combat depression. Contact - Fleet Speak. Europe’s most dangerous air pollution zones - Fleet Speak. Air quality is a major concern in Europe’s cities. Diesel vehicles have been identified as the main source of this pollution and Euro standards have been set for vehicle emissions. New Technology in The Trucking Industry. Trucking Industry News. 8 road safety tips for truckers - Fleet Speak. We all know that driver error is the main cause of road accidents. And we all do what we can to stay safe. However, sometimes accidents are beyond our control. Here are eight simple driving safety tips that are easy to follow and could prevent an accident. Vrachtwagens Archives - Fleet Speak. Trucking Industry: Paving the Way Towards a Better Future. Trucker gives hilarious commentary on nervy driver - Fleet Speak.

Write For Us - Fleet Speak. Advertise With Us. Only a REAL truck driver can get 5/5 on this truck drivers shortage quiz - Fleet Speak. Nachrichten aus der europäischen LKW-Industrie. Two-thirds of drivers know when they are over the limit - Fleet Speak. Why the trucking skills shortage is a ticking time bomb - Fleet Speak. Kan InstaFreight de wegtransport iets anders aanbieden? - Fleet Speak. Rumoer om sexy nummerplaat - Fleet Speak. De gevaarlijkste nummers om op te rijden - Fleet Speak. Co powoduje szał drogowy? Oraz jak go kontrolować - Fleet Speak. Czy InstaFreight może zaoferować frachtowi drogowemu coś innego? - Fleet Speak. Seksowne tablice rejestracyjne - Fleet Speak. Najbardziej niebezpieczne piosenki podczas jazdy - Fleet Speak. Home - Fleet Speak. Transport News: Valuable Information for the Trucking Industry. Truck Fleet Management.