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Facebook: 80% des 15-24 ans Francais sont inscrits! « display it. Three key social media lessons that brands will learn the easy (or the hard) way. Credit: @gapingvoid / There is no shortage of posts explaining how critical it is for brands to leverage social media, build a community and lead with a listening ear. I have written several myself. Yet the distraction of new technology – breathlessly hyped online – continues to lead many brands to believe that social media tools are an end in themselves, that twitter or Facebook or Foursquare can solve their problems, drive sales, raise brand awareness and ,better yet, take the “viral”. The problems with this is that many brands continue to whistle past their own graves. If a company wants to use social media and benefit from the tantalizing dynamics at play in so many case studies (most notably of late, the Old Spice personalized tweets), they must first look to themselves for the solutions they seem to think lie somewhere else.

Let me explain. If brands do not do the following three things they are wasting their energy, time and resources on social media. 1. 2. 11 Mind-Blowing Mobile Marketing Infographics. Smart phones, tablets, laptops and mobile broadband cards have all changed the way we access the internet. According to Pew Research Center, 59% of adult Americans go online wirelessly . With the proliferation of wireless connectivity and devices, online marketers have many more screens to worry about than just the standard computer screen. To better illustrate the growing mobile marketing opportunity, take a look at these infographics. 1. The Size of the Mobile Market 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. " target="_blank">Local Mobile Search Marketing Takeaway As mobile usage continues to climb, it is more important than ever for marketers to understand how their target audience consumes information not only on their desktops but also on the mobile web .

What is your business doing to leverage the mobile web ? Five Things 'Jersey Shore' Taught My Agency About Social Media - Advertising Age - DigitalNext. The Count. How Women Use Social Media [Infographic] Social media sites are having a powerful effect on our lives. It’s important for marketers to understand how people use social networks, and Ethan Bloch of Flowtown has created a great infographic that shows how women leverage the social Web, which sites they use, and how much/why they participate. Women are online and interacting on social sites just as much — if not, more — than their male counterparts. More than half of all American women participate in social media at least once a week, and younger women use it the most. 53% of adult females use social media at least on a weekly basis. Their top interests are entertainment, food, health/wellness, and recipes/cooking.

Fashion/beauty/shopping comes in fifth. 34% of women use social networks to get information, while 20% of women are looking for advice and recommendations. Click the image below to see the full-sized version: Connect: Authored by: Pam Dyer I direct marketing initiatives at SolutionsIQ, a leading Agile services provider. Press/SocMedia - Topics of use. Twitter Leads in Tech Pew tracked usage of the YouTube social media platform, blogs, and the traditional press from January 19, 2009 – January 15, 2010. Twitter usage was tracked from June 15, 2009 – January 15, 2010. Most significantly, Pew found that 43% of the lead news stories shared on Twitter fell into the technology category. This was only true for 8% of the lead news stories on blogs, and 1% of the lead news stories on YouTube and in the traditional press. No other media platform reported a percentage of its lead news stories being dedicated to a particular category anywhere close to the 43% of technology stories that led on Twitter.

Another 21% of the lead news stories on YouTube were in the politics/government category. Blogs, Traditional Press Lead in Economy Where blogs and the traditional press clearly led YouTube and Twitter was the economy category. Other Findings Social media and the mainstream press clearly embrace different agendas. Baromètre ECHO : les français face aux médias sociaux. 15-24 ans et nouveaux médias : la génération numérique. 15-24 ans et nouveaux médias : la génération numérique Première génération à n'avoir connu le monde que connecté à Internet, les 15-24 ans, ont, du coup, une utilisation des médias forcément différente de celle de leurs ainées. Les codes du numérique n'ont aucun secret pour eux puisqu'ils ont grandi avec. Le téléphone mobile, est, depuis toujours, un objet de leur quotidien. La multiplicité des chaînes de télévision et leur spécialisation leur semble naturelle. Bref : ils détiennent, peu ou prou, les clés du paysage médiatique de demain.

Quelles sont-elles ? Une génération communicante Premier constat : 96 % des 15-24 ans ont accès à Internet. Une génération multimédia Le mot "multimédia" prend tout son sens à l'observation des habitudes de consommation média des 15-24 ans. Une génération mobile exigeant la souplesse Troisième grand constat qui se dégage de l'observation des 15-24 ans : ils exigent toujours plus de mobilité, et toujours plus d'adaptation des médias à cette mobilité. SocMed use over phone. Key Trends Consistent As Online Ad Revenues Grow Another 17% in 2013 Online advertising set yet another peak in Q4 2013, growing by 17.5% to reach $12.1 billion, the largest quarter on record, according to the latest revenue report [pdf] from the IAB and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Needless to say, the full-year total of $42.8 billion was also the largest seen yet, representing a 17% increase from the […] Read more » Who’s Using Marketing Automation to Manage Email, And How Many Messages Are They Sending?

Some 24% of marketers say they don’t use any tools to manage their email campaigns, according to a recently-released Marketo study [download page]. Read more » TV Content Viewers Claim One-Fifth of Viewing Time is Spent Streaming Source: Horowitz Associates Notes: The 20% of TV content viewing time spent on alternative platforms is a significant step up from 13% last year, with the biggest change being for streaming to the TV set (10% this year, up from 5%).

Read more » Read more » Teen Mobile Use - infographics. Flowtown has released another new Infographic and this time it’s on How Teenagers Use Mobile Phones. Some of the key findings from their research was 75% of all teenagers in the US now have a mobile phone, while almost 35% of teenagers send over 100 text messages per day, one in three people text while driving and one in two talk on a mobile phone while driving! Be Sociable, Share! Charts, Infographics, Mobile Infographics, Mobile Phone Infograhpics, Mobile Phone Stats, Statistics, Teen Stats, Teenager Mobile Stats. Comment les grandes entreprises utilisent le Web social - Journa. 22 SM Infographics. Everyone learns differently. Social media marketing has a lot of moving parts and processes which make it hard to get up to speed. This challenge is only compounded by the ever-changing nature of the market, in which new applications and opportunities arise daily.

(Is your business taking advantage of Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn , and Google+ for marketing purposes?) Reading tons of blog articles, while important, takes a lot of time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Were these images helpful? Livre Blanc SM Club France. Voici l’introduction du livre blanc : Qu’est ce que les media sociaux nous réservent encore !?

Comment avez-vous appris la mort de Mickael Jackson ? Que partagez-vous avec Britney Spears, Demi Moore ou Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet ? Les média sociaux sont votre point commun. En 2006, Time Magazine nous nommait tous personne de l’année. En 2007, le même magazine titrait sur eux, les médias. Une prise de conscience réelle se faisait jour d’une exigence de participation, une soif de relation au sens d’intervention dans les décisions et les processus collectifs des utilisateurs internet. Les réseaux sociaux ont pris le relais des blogs dans les médias relationnels. L’internaute n’a peut être pas encore décidé de devenir média (Olivier Blondeau) mais une véritable révolution culturelle a lieu transformant notre échelle de valeur et opérant une translation de légitimité de la production vers l’échange. Avec 150 millions d’utilisateurs, Facebook est confronté à cette difficulté. Watershed Marketing Weekly.

Content Must be Engaging and Compelling to be Successful, Say B2B Marketers Effective content doesn’t depend on SEO friendliness or quality of editing, say B2B marketers responding to an Optify survey [download page] released this month. Instead, it’s all about engaging and compelling storytelling. Asked the 3 most important elements of successful content, survey respondents resoundingly chose this element (81.5%), far ahead of others such as originality (52.6%) and custom content (49.2%).

This focus on storytelling may be why these marketers tend to see longer content formats and personal contact as more effective. Almost 8 in 10 consider case studies to be effective in engaging prospects and delivering message, with white papers (73%) and in-person events (72%) following. By contrast, formats such as advertorials (18%) and community threading (20%) are seen as effective by only a minority of respondents, presumably as they don’t allow for the same level of engagement.

Continue . . . Social media accounts for 'most web visits' Top 7 des réseaux sociaux apportant le plus de trafic. Chaque jour, des milliers de liens transitent au travers des réseaux sociaux. Twitter, Facebook et les autres apportent leur lot de visiteurs, mais combien au juste ? Quel est le réseau social qui vous envoie le plus de visites ? Partant du constat qu’aucune source n’était capable de nous donner des chiffres précis, StatCounter a ajouté un nouveau compteur qui permet d’observer quels sont les réseaux sociaux qui apportent le plus de visites aux sites Web… Rappelons avant de commencer que StatCounter est l’un des meilleurs outils Web d’analyses.

Sur un plan mondial : On remarque sur le graphique que le trio de tête est composé de Facebook, StumbleUpon et Twitter. Comme moi, je suis sûr que vous serez étonné de voir StumbleUpon en seconde position. Regardons maintenant sur un plan national : What Makes Up a Social Marketing Strategy? It’s quickly becoming common wisdom among marketers that a strategy is needed to use social media effectively. Of course, that doesn’t mean a majority of those involved in the space have gotten on board yet and created such a well-thought-out approach. According to a May 2010 study by Digital Brand Expressions, 52% of social marketers are operating “without a game plan,” similar to the 50% found in April 2010 by R2integrated. Further, many that do have a strategy find it doesn’t address all their concerns or fit their needs. The most common elements included by companies with a social media communications plan were resource-allocation guidelines for ongoing activities, registration of branded usernames on social sites and research into competitors’ use of social media.

To be sure, those are all critical components of an effective strategy, but they are only the beginning. Keep your business ahead of the digital curve. Médias sociaux : usages & chiffres clés.