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The Advertising Opportunity in Facebook Places - The eMarketer Blog. Monday, April 14, 2014 Facebook’s change to its News Feed algorithm has caused uproar among many, as it drastically reduces organic reach on the social site. But while marketers see organic posts as effective, the fact that organic reach has been declining since February 2012 suggests otherwise. Finding new business is a top challenge for small businesses. Friend referrals may help, as small-business owners say they are the best marketing tactic—and a key revenue driver. An increasing number of retailers in the UK are operating across multiple sales channels, with mobile seeing particularly strong growth in this respect. Friday, April 11, 2014 According to new eMarketer figures, computers and consumer electronics will claim the greatest share of US retail ecommerce sales through 2018. Due to their limited income, younger consumers in the UK are most influenced by price when making purchase decisions.

Thursday, April 10, 2014 Wednesday, April 09, 2014 Tuesday, April 08, 2014. Facebook Places From A User Perspective. There are plenty of articles and perspectives to read on Facebook Places ranging from privacy concerns to speculating what it means for marketers and business. The question you have to ask yourself is do these authors, journalists and analysts actually use the technology? I've been playing around with Places a bit and here are a few first impressions followed by a takeaway from someone who regularly uses Foursquare. 1. Getting Started On Mobile Places is currently only available in the U.S. on iPhone with BlackBerry and Android development to follow.

The feature is placed prominently within the application and is easy to take notice of. 2. Much like Foursquare, venues are added by users (they can be claimed by owners). 3. Checking in is also similar to most gelocation services in that it pulls up the nearest venues which exist. 4. Also mimicking similar platforms, Places lets you flag venues in a variety of ways. 5. Press Release Presentation. Mark Zuckerberg, vient d’annoncer sur le tout nouveau Live Channel de Facebook, le lancement officiel de Facebook Places…Un service de géolocalisation accessible depuis l’application Facebook pour Iphone (et dans un futur proche Blackberry et Androïd) qui offre 3 fonctionalités: - Partager avec vos amis où vous êtes. - Vous aider à trouver où sont vos amis. - Vous permettre de découvrir les nouveaux lieux autour de vous..

Bref, en surface, un bon “Me too” de Foursquare, ou GoWalla, le système de badges/timbres en moins… …Mais avec 2 différences fondamentales qui risquent de changer la donne ! 1- La possibilité de taguer ses amis en live. Ce qui ouvre les services de géolocalisation à tous les membres de Facebook qui n’ont pas d’Iphone, et devrait contribuer largement à la popularité de cette pratique , si on la compare au succès que rencontre le service de tag photo sur Facebook. 2- 500 millions de membres à qui l’on offre un véritable service. Une vision sociétale intéressante du service. Checking In with Facebook Places. Facebook Places Launches, Allows Businesses To “Check In” Facebook has delivered a major blow to not only to Foursquare and other location-based social networks, but also to Google and Yelp.

The social network has announced the launch of a major new feature: Facebook Places. We have talked many times about the adoption and marketing implications of location-based social networks on this blog in the past. However, this trend just got a lot more interesting for marketers. Facebook Places allows users to check in to offline locations similar to other location-bastion social networks. The Places feature is available in Facebook’s iPhone application as well as their HTML5 mobile site . One change in Facebook Places is that instead of showing people who have checked in nearby, the application will display people near you that Facebook has determined to have relevancy to you. Facebook, similar to Yelp and other location-focused sites, is also allowing businesses to claim their location in Facebook Places. POLL-Will You Use Facebook Places? 5 Things You Need To Know About Facebook Places Right Now.

The official launch of Facebook's new location-based application, Facebook Places, has a few people talking and many of us wondering what this means for business - if anything at all. Here are five things you should know about Facebook Places right now: Facebook Places Integration. Places is or will be fully integrated with today's leaders in the Location-Based service arena. This includes Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp, and Booyah, all of which will be expanding and developing new features in the days to come.

With Yelp, for example, you will now be able to share check-ins with your Facebook friends, Twitter, or with only your Yelp friends. Cox, Facebook’s Vice President of Product shared a compelling and passionate closing statement citing Ray Oldenburg in The Great Good Place where Oldenburg describes the three most important places in the world: Home: Where you eat and sleep, where your family is and where you go to digest and reflect. Connect: Authored by: Tracey Udas See complete profile. Facebook Places : tueur de Foursquare ou de vie privée ? Avec son traditionnel coup de gong, Mark Zukerberg a lancé dans la nuit une nouvelle fonctionnalité pour Facebook.

Et pas des moindres. Comme on s'y attendait, le réseau social se lance sur le marché de la géolocalisation et attaque de front les deux pionniers en la matière : Foursquare et Gowalla. Facebook Places ressemble beaucoup à Foursquare. La nouvelle fonctionnalité, disponible sur l'application iPhone de Facebook (Blackberry et Android suivront plus tard), vous permet de faire un "check-in", c'est à dire de dire à vos amis Facebook où vous êtes, mais aussi de voir ceux qui ne sont pas loin de vous.

Premières remarques : 1- Facebook Places n'est disponible qu'aux US, pas encore en France. Mais, comme le fait remarquer sylvaindeloux sur Twitter, la fonctionnalité (qui s'appellera "Lieux"...) est déjà prête à être lancée: 2- Facebook met à nouveau un (gros) sabot dans le champ de la protection de la vie privée.