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Image retrieval

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ImgSeek. Free Development software downloads. Lire & Caliph and Emir. Free software downloads. Free Science & Engineering software downloads. Img(Anaktisi) The rapid growth of digital images through the widespread popularization of computers and the Internet makes the development of an efficient image retrieval technique imperative.


Content-based image retrieval , known as CBIR , extracts several features that describe the content of the image, mapping the visual content of the images into a new space called the feature space. The feature space values for a given image are stored in a descriptor that can be used for retrieving similar images. The key to a successful retrieval system is to choose the right features that represent the images as accurately and uniquely as possible. The features chosen have to be discriminative and sufficient in describing the objects present in the image. To achieve these goals, CBIR systems use three basic types of features: color features , texture features and shape features .

To date, many proposed retrieval techniques adopt methods in which more than one feature type is involved. Img(Anaktisi) K Zagoris, S.


Α. Chatzichristofis, Nikolas Papamarkos and Y. S. Boutalis, “IMG(ANAKTISI): A WEB CONTENT BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL SYSTEM.”, «2nd International Workshop on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP)», Proceedings: IEEE Computer Society, pp.154-155, August 29-30 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. [Download] In this web-site a new set of feature descriptors is presented in a retrieval system. Img(Anaktisi) was developed at the Democritus University of Thrace-Greece. 31 March 2009 The MIR Flickr Retrieval Evaluation Database is now supported in img(anaktisi). M. The home of Caliph & Emir and LIRE. Img(Rummager) « Savvas A. Chatzichristofis. Img(Rummager) brings into effect a number of new as well as state of the art descriptors.

img(Rummager) « Savvas A. Chatzichristofis

The application can execute an image search based on a query image, either from XML-based index files, or directly from a folder containing image files, extracting the comparison features in real time. In addition the img(Rummager) application can execute a hybrid search of images from the application server, combining keyword information and visual similarity. img(Rummager) supports easy retrieval evaluation based on the normalized modified retrieval rank (NMRR), Mean Normalized Retrieval Order and average precision (AP). You can also save the retrieval results in trec_eval format. The Img(Rummager) application is programmed in C# and requires a Windows XP+ Operating System with a 3.5 .NET Framework. This is a portable application that does not require installation.

Download Download the Latest Stable Version Download an Oldest Version Video Tutorials Video Tutorial 1 – Features Demonstration Change Log. Homepage of Thomas Deselaers: FIRE. Overview FIRE, the Flexible Image Retrieval Engine, is a content-based image retrieval system that I developed in cooperation with many other people at the Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition Group of RWTH Aachen University.

Homepage of Thomas Deselaers: FIRE

The main aim of FIRE is to investigate different image descriptors and evaluate their performance. FIRE was developed in C++ and Python and is meant to be eaily extensible. FIRE was started during my diploma thesis and then progressively extended. Contributors include Downloads FIRE’s most recent version is available by SVN from its Google Code project site. Older versions are available from my old RWTH Aachen CS department website. Questions I will under no circumstances answer emails related to the installation or usage of FIRE that are sent directly to me. Installation.