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Matlab - Add noise to an image. Generate arbitrarily shaped periodic signal - Simulink. Generate arbitrarily shaped periodic signal Description The Repeating Sequence block outputs a periodic scalar signal having a waveform that you specify using the Time values and Output values parameters. The Time values parameter specifies a vector of output times. The Output values parameter specifies a vector of signal amplitudes at the corresponding output times. Together, the two parameters specify a sampling of the output waveform at points measured from the beginning of the interval over which the waveform repeats (the period of the signal).

By default, both parameters are [0 2]. Algorithm The block sets the input period as the difference between the first and last value of the Time values parameter. For the Repeating Sequence block: The input period is 0.5.The output at any time t is the output at time t = t-0.5n, where n = 0, 1, 2, and so on.The sequence repeats at t = 0.5n, where n = 0, 1, 2, and so on. When you run the model, you get the following results: Data Type Support. How to create PID controller using MATLAB/Simulink? Generate sine wave, using simulation time as time source - Simulink. The Sine Wave block outputs a sinusoidal waveform. The block can operate in time-based or sample-based mode. Time-Based Mode The output of the Sine Wave block is determined by: Time-based mode has two submodes: continuous mode or discrete mode. The value of the Sample time parameter determines whether the block operates in continuous mode or discrete mode: 0 (the default) causes the block to operate in continuous mode.

>0 causes the block to operate in discrete mode. See Specify Sample Time in the online documentation for more information. Block Behavior in Continuous Mode A Sample time parameter value of 0 causes the block to operate in continuous mode. Block Behavior in Discrete Mode A Sample time parameter value greater than zero causes the block to behave as if it were driving a Zero-Order Hold block whose sample time is set to that value. In discrete mode, this block uses a differential incremental algorithm instead of one based on absolute time. In matrix form, these identities are: where. Signal and Scope Manager :: Visualizing and Comparing Simulation Results (Simulink®)