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LaTeX/Tables. Tables are a common feature in academic writing, often used to summarise research results. Mastering the art of table construction in LaTeX is therefore necessary to produce quality papers and with sufficient practice one can print beautiful tables of any kind. Keeping in mind that LaTeX is not a spreadsheet, it makes sense to use a dedicated tool to build tables and then to export these tables into the document. Basic tables are not too taxing, but anything more advanced can take a fair bit of construction; in these cases, more advanced packages can be very useful. However, first it is important to know the basics. Once you are comfortable with basic LaTeX tables, you might have a look at more advanced packages or the export options of your favorite spreadsheet.

Thanks to the modular nature of LaTeX, the whole process can be automated in a fairly comfortable way. The tabular environment[edit] The first line of the environment has the form: Basic examples[edit] Text wrapping in tables[edit] Producing White Space in LaTeX. Producing White Space in LaTeX To produce (horizontal) blank space within a paragraph, use \hspace, followed by the length of the blank space enclosed within braces. The length of the skip should be expressed in a unit recognized by LaTeX. These recognized units are given in the following table: pt point (1 in = 72.27 pt) pc pica (1 pc = 12 pt) in inch (1 in = 25.4 mm) bp big point (1 in = 72 bp) cm centimetre (1 cm = 10 mm) mm millimetre dd didot point (1157 dd = 1238 pt) cc cicero (1 cc = 12 dd) sp scaled point (65536 sp = 1 pt) Thus to produce a horizontal blank space of 20 mm in the middle of a paragraph one would type \hspace{20 mm}.

If LaTeX decides to break between lines at a point in the document where an \hspace is specified, then no white space is produced. To produce (vertical) blank space between paragraphs, use \vspace, followed by the length of the blank space enclosed within braces. One should type This is the first paragraph of some text. This works very well in most cases. Symbols - How does one insert a backslash or a tilde into LaTeX. LaTeX - Description list - How to put the definition on a new line? - Stack Overflow. How to Activate \subsubsubsection in LaTeX. LaTeX/Algorithms and Pseudocode. LaTeX has several packages for typesetting algorithms in form of "pseudocode". They provide stylistic enhancements over a uniform style (i.e., all in typewriter font) so that constructs such as loops or conditionals are visually separated from other text. For typesetting real code, written in a real programming language, consider the listings package described in Source Code Listings.

Typesetting using the algorithmic package[edit] The algorithmic package uses a different set of commands than the algorithmicx package. This is not compatible with revtex4-1. Basic commands are: Complete documentation is listed at [2]. The algorithmic package is suggested for IEEE journals as it is a part of their default style sheet.[1] Typesetting using the algorithm2e package[edit] The algorithm2e package (first released 1995, latest updated January 2013 according to the v5.0 manual) allows typesetting algorithms with a lot of customization. The package is loaded like \usepackage[]{algorithm2e} which produces. Description - ConTeXt wiki. From ConTeXt wiki LaTeX LaTeX provides a description environment, which works just like an itemized or enumerated list except that the item labels are specified by an (optional) argument to the \item command, rather than being automatically generated.

This is useful for making lists of definitions and other sorts of descriptions that are headed by a keyword. \documentclass{article}\begin{document}\begin{description} \item[Short] This is a shorter item label, and some text that talks about it. The text is wrapped into a paragraph, with successive lines indented. \item[Rather longer label] This is a longer item label. As you can see, the text is not started a specified distance in -- unlike with other lists -- but is spaced a fixed distance from the end of the label. ConTeXt ConTeXt provides a similar mechanism. (texexec error, something is wrong with the input) The empty lines (or \par) after each description (here, \latexdesc) line are required. Another example: See also. LaTeX Commands for Mathematical Symbols. A Simple LateX Template. How can I underline text in LaTeX? (Hermes) Horizontal alignment - How do you center equations. LaTeX Community • View topic - multiple line cell.

Includegraphics causes entire page to turn bold (LaTeX) LaTeX Community • View topic - Help please. Pages with figures are Bold. Hi, I have a problem. I am using miktex 2.8 and texniccenter. These are the packages I am using: Code: Select all • Open in writeLaTeX \documentclass[12pt]{article}\usepackage{amscd, amssymb, amsmath, verbatim, pxfonts, setspace}\usepackage{rotating}\usepackage{natbib}\usepackage{appendix}\usepackage{rotating}\usepackage{graphicx}\usepackage[left=1.0in, right=1.0in, top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in]{geometry}\usepackage{mathrsfs}\usepackage{textcomp} I am outputting PDFs Whenever I have inserted a picture, the text on the page it appears on in the output (Adobe Reader 9.3) is bold.

I am a college senior working on a thesis project and although this seems minor in the big scheme of things, I would really like the final output to look as professional as I had hoped it would. Thanks to all that read this, Eqnarray vs. align - TeXblog - Typography with TeX and LaTeX. CSLI: Latex Sections. [Help] [LaTeX top] How to adjust sections in latex. Note that modifications may need to be made if article, book, or 12pt is used instead of report 10pt. How to change which sections are numbered Each sectiontype (chapter, section, ...) has a number associated with it. Secnumdepth (Taken from rep10.doc.) % LEVEL : a number, denoting depth of section -- e.g., chapter=1, % section = 2, etc. If you set before \begin{document}, \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} then chapters, sections, and subsections will have numbers but not subsubsections or below The following deals with the relationship between LEVEL and table of contents entry.

. % LEVEL : An entry is produced only if LEVEL < or = value of % 'tocdepth' counter. Setting \setcounter{tocdepth}{1} means that only chapters and sections will appear Remember that this should be done in your document before the \begin{document} command not in rep10.doc. From report.doc So to change the chapter number to be roman do \def\thechapter{\Roman{chapter}} subsubsection. Latex \subsubsection is ignored.

Latex: Numbered Subsubsections. LaTex lets you break the document down into chapters, sections, subsections, subsubsections and paragraphs. By default subsubsections and paragraphs are not numbered or included in the table of contents. Sometimes this might be desirable. However, I usually find that in cases when I do not need them numbered, I usually never use them (ie. my documents are broken down by chapter, section, and subsection only). At other times, when I desire more granularity, I actually want subsubsections to show up in the TOC and have distinctive headings and numbers. To enable this you will need to put 2 lines of code somewhere in your preamble: \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} The first line enables numbering of subsubsections.

Btw, if you need to break down your document even more you can switch 3 to 4 in these lines to enable numbering for paragraphs. [tags]latex, subsubsection, paragraph, section, numbering, tex[/tags]